December 2020 will be remembered as when the tide of history decisively turned and an ancient evil force suffered defeat. The White Hats are winning the secret war for the Planet Earth and the liberation of humanity is an imminent certainty.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many of you are so diligent and devoted to your spiritual path that you have gotten into the habit of always looking for what is wrong with you in a desire to correct it.What we wish to tell you is if you are in troubleshooting mode all the time you will always find more trouble to shoot.Have you gotten into the habit of continually looking for what's wrong with you, rather than simply accepting everything that is oh, so very right about you?

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Whenever an energetic theme loops back around into your awareness, it is much like a movie you have already seen being rebroadcast.You might have loved that movie and will watch it again just for the joy of it.You might decide to watch it again because you know you always pick up more details from a movie when you see it more than once.Even though you know how everything turns out, there is still value for you to have the experience again.Or you may have already watched the movie so many times you realize there really isn't anything else it can offer you, and decide to pass.

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There are times where you might find aspects of your past looping around to find you again.This might be for you to experience healing and release, to see how far you've come energetically, an opportunity for you to step back onto a path you had abandoned previously, or to step onto a brand new path by making a different choice.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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