目前分類:委員會 (67)

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Today we will make a detour from our normal subjects to bring your attention something you may be coping with without even being aware of it.Because once you are aware of it, you will find that you are already quite prepared to deal with it.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are a great many of those who have been following these messages who could pick one of the words in this title to describe the way they are feeling now.We will address each of these in turn in order to bring you an understanding and move you back into what has become familiar energy to you.First, give yourselves a great deal of credit for making grounded, joyful, and appreciative energy feel familiar.That is exactly what is remaking the world you live in.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is time for a pep talk.Actually,this will just be a reminder of things you are already familiar with.Of course,there are always new people finding us,and this may be the first time they have been exposed to these ideas.But events have recently occurred that have put many of you into a tailspin,as you call it.You feel lost,frustrated,and helpless.You had thought you were beyond such things.You had thought your world was beyond needing them,as well.But as wonderful as your current level of consciousness is,it may be some time before you reach that state.So,let us remind you of a thing or two.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Some of you are becoming impatient.Some of you are feeling as if nothing is happening.Others are elated.What accounts for this disparity? We will say that moving from the former group to the latter should be very easy for you right now.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In our last message, we mentioned that you would be well served to focus upon the idea that your current circumstance will result in the creation of the world that you have dreamed of living in, even if you cannot see how you might get there from where you are.We would like to expand upon that statement if we may.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Once again we return to an important topic in order to approach it from a perhaps unthought of perspective.Please understand that one of the reasons we do this is that as we address each of these topics over and over, you, having grown on your understanding, will bring more to the topic and therefor take more away.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

As always,we are aware that much of what we speak about will not be new to many of you.However,it may be for others, and we ask that you allow us to point out a few things.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今天我們想說點有趣的。你們的艾伯特.愛因斯坦,現在他是我們的艾伯特,曾做過他所謂的心理實驗。我們想和你做一下心理實驗。不過這似乎不太有趣吧? 所以我們想請露西和愛瑟兒借給我們他們的巧克力工廠。沒錯,這樣好多了。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

怎麼回事? 為什麼我有時候心情很不好? 為什麼我的夢如此暴力? 這些是我們近來收到的問題。還有很多別的問題,但它們全都表現出你經歷了你認為已經結束的事情而產生的困惑。

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