The Sirian Role in History


Let's take a closer look at how the Sirians affected your course, since they were the key players in your history. The Sirians were your gods. The Lyrans and even the Pleiadians also played this role, but we'll focus on the Sirian role in history because they were the strongest players, especially more recently. Please understand, however, that the Lyrans and the Pleiadians have acted similarly from time to time.

The Sirians came onto the scene after the Lyrans, but they quickly took charge of the engineering of the human form. They were experts in genetic engineering, and the Lyrans stepped aside in deference to their greater knowledge. The Lyrans remained involved with you as teachers and as your gods, but appeared to you less and less frequently.

The Sirians materialized often and in many forms. Sometimes they appeared god-like: enormous, handsome or beautiful, and glowing. With this guise, how could you not assume they were gods or angels sent to rule and instruct you? More frequently, however, they reincarnated as simple shepherds, stonemasons, tailors, and the like so that they could mingle with you and influence you in less dramatic ways. This also was a way for them to “walk in your shoes” and sample what being human is like, although their experience of being human was never really like yours. They were like gods in human form and were usually recognized as such, regardless of their garb. They could not hide their advanced development.

They also reincarnated and became prominent members of society. Many of the remarkable men and women throughout history were either reincarnated Sirians or other advanced souls. Many of the great Greek teachers—Pythagoras, Socrates, Hippocrates, and Plato—were Sirian, as were many great political leaders throughout history. Every position of power in society has been held at one time or another—usually at critical points—by Sirians. This way, they could contribute to your growth socially, culturally, and intellectually.

The Sirians continued to influence you through biological engineering as well, until they withdrew in the Middle Ages. They decided that your evolution could proceed without them after that. Besides, their attention was drawn elsewhere then.

The human race also has been greatly advanced by the periodic arrival of avatars like Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Lao-tzu, and Krishna. However, many of their teachings have been distorted by their followers and others who did not understand the teachings because they were not functioning on the same level spiritually as those great beings.

It was no surprise to these great beings that their teachings became distorted. They brought them knowing this would probably happen. The alternative was to leave humanity in darkness. So they arranged for others to follow them who would correct the distortions. Martin Luther and John Calvin were not avatars themselves, but fulfilled their specific mission of reform. Advanced souls like these two have reincarnated at critical points throughout history to reinstate humanity's course when necessary.
那些偉大的存有們對於他們的教導被歪曲這件事情並不感到奇怪。他們告訴他們(的追隨者們)這些很可能會發生。他們的選擇是讓人類繼續留在黑暗之中。然後他們再安排其他人來跟隨他們,那些人將會修正那些歪曲。馬丁路德(Martin Luther)和約翰加爾文(John Calvin)他們自己並非聖賢,但卻履行了他們特殊的改革的使命。如同這兩個人一樣的高級靈魂們曾在整個歷史的關鍵時刻化身/轉世,目的是為了修復/恢復人類的進程-如果有必要的話。

The Sirians believed firmly in letting you make mistakes so that you could learn from them. They understood that your struggles would make you stronger. Therefore, not only did they not protect you from challenges, as the Pleiadians occasionally did, but they sometimes even instigated challenges to catalyze your growth. For example, they gave you the tools by which you could destroy yourselves in Atlantis.

The Sirians were aware of the possible danger of showing you how to use atomic power, but they were willing to risk this for the technological advancements atomic energy could bring. They did not expect you to destroy yourselves; they thought you would use this energy wisely— and most of you would have. They also thought they could prevent people from misusing it, if it came to that. However, the technology got into the wrong hands, and the Sirians could not prevent the disaster that followed. For this mistake, they are deeply indebted to the human race and still repaying this debt in service to your planet. In trying to catalyze your growth by introducing atomic energy, they created tremendous karma for themselves, as did those who misused this power and destroyed Atlantis.

There are many other examples like this, most with better results. Usually when the Sirians and others intervened as catalysts, they succeeded in stimulating growth, like when they gave you the technology for aerial flight. The airplane and many other equally significant innovations came from suggestions implanted within the subconscious minds of inventors, but only when such inventions were judged timely for humankind. People could have come up with these inventions earlier had they received similar subconscious stimuli.

The Sirians and others guiding Earth now work more through the subconscious mind — through dreams, intuition, and feelings—and through channels and psychics than more directly. They are not limited to working this way; they just choose to. Sirians have not taken on a form on your planet for a long time and probably won't. They are leaving this up to others, whom you will come to know as extraterrestrials rather than “gods.”

Who are these extraterrestrials visiting you now? We will examine five groups of extraterrestrials involved with your planet: the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Orions, the Zetas, and the Greys. There are others—many in fact—which explains the diversity of humanoids sighted and your confusion about what is going on. Actually, only one thing is going on: You are being helped into fourth density. This is no small matter, for rarely has a planet gone through such a change so swiftly.


The reasons for the swiftness of the move into fourth density are complex and difficult to explain. Basically, humanity has fallen behind in its spiritual development. If the human race does not catch up, the Earth will transition without it. People who don't catch up won't return to Earth in their next incarnation. The Earth has been waiting for you, but it cannot wait any longer. One reason humanity has fallen behind is the absence of great spiritual leaders over the last several centuries. Since the Sirians left, you have not had the spiritual leadership you needed to keep pace with Earth's spiritual plan. And since no other extraterrestrial group stepped in to fulfill this function, you have been left without a special consciousness to guide and inspire you, although you have had intellectual geniuses. That is not enough, however. Intellectual development without parallel spiritual development is potentially dangerous, as the Zetas have discovered. You are reaching a similar point in your history, where spiritual development must catch up to intellectual development or you may destroy yourselves and your planet as the Zetas did.

Many tactics, which have already been mentioned, are being used to catch you up: extraterrestrials, spirit guides, and other nonphysical beings are working through your subconscious minds, through psychics, and through channels. And Star People and Walk-ins have reincarnated from other planets and dimensions to share their talents and wisdom with you.











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