The surface is occupied.So is the subterranean.That's one reason why they are so cagey about everything.Also,between different groups there are all sorts of differences of opinion.They also look for different types of people at different times...One teacher told me that 10 years ago they were looking for warrior types,very muscular.Now the situation has changed and they were trying to contact more creative types.A lot of people couldn't understand why they wanted anything to do with us.There's a lot of snobbery and jealousy in the surface networks.
地表面已被佔領了。地底也一樣。這就是為什麼他們對一切如此謹慎的原因之一。另外,不同群體之間有各種不同的意見。他們在不同的時間尋找不同類型的人...一位老師告訴我 10 年前,他們在尋找戰士類型,肌肉必需非常發達。現在情況已經改變了,他們試圖聯繫更具創造性的類型。很多人不能理解為什麼他們會和我們一起合作。地表網絡裡有很多的互相藐視和嫉妒現象存在。

Plenty of good people,but all these groups are infiltrated.To some extent,subterraneans are at a loss with how to deal with us.That's why they have the sort of training I was involved in.There are many factions.I never really knew their names,but there's all sorts of nonsense,calculation and a lot of voting.

The closest thing I can describe it as is Game of Thrones.

Now...remember there are some highly evolved societies who are beyond most of this,but there are plenty of occupying forces who complicate the matter.

You have to avoid both extreme viewpoints: The guy who says they are all love and light is deluded.The guy who says they"re all evil is paranoid.They are living beings like us,so their minds can change,and be changed.

By the way,feel free to interrupt...


Time flows differently down there.The popular figure I was quoted for the realms I was targeting was"One year per minute."That means,for every minute of our time,they live a whole year.My teacher went for 20 odd years,it only took 20 odd minutes of our time.So you can see why people are so eager to go there.Imagine what you can learn once you get permission.There are some people who can come and go as they please,but that's rare....
時間的流動以不同的方式在那裡。我被告知我所提及的時間領域裡最受歡迎的說法就是"一年一分鐘"。這意味著,相對於我們的時間裡的每一分鐘,他們活了整整一年。我的老師去了二十多年,卻只花了我們的 20 分鐘時間。所以你可以看到人們為什麼如此渴望去那裡。想像一下,一旦你得到通行證你可學習的事物有多少。有些人可以來來去去,但這是罕見的例子。

Untwine: When you say,There's a lot of snobbery and jealousy in the surface networks.,you mean the alternative media and lightworkers type ?

Central: Well they are a headache.But I also mean in the meditation groups in Asia.There's so much factionalism.I stay away from meditation groups now.A lot of the most experienced mediators I met just minded their own business and just hung out with a few friends.:

Untwine: What was the training you were involved in ?

Central: OK well the 'training" was known in some places as The Process.Which is just a description of the process it takes to get you spiritually ready to visit those areas.Lots of pushups + meditation.But here's the thing: No one will come and wake you up at 6 and splash cold water on you.At least that wasn't what happened to me.You have to make your own drive and motivation.
Central: 好吧,是這樣的,"培訓" 在一些地方是被稱為進程訓練。這只是一種可以讓你精神上準備好訪問這些地區的進程描述。有很多伏臥練習加上冥想。但是真實情況是這樣的:沒有人會往你身上潑冷水來叫醒你。至少當時這樣的事並沒有發生在我身上。你必須要自我推動和鼓勵自己前進。

Untwine: Why are the alternative media and lightworkers a headache ?

Central:I"ll deal with them another time.It's more interesting to focus on the process,and the training.That's something I know a lot about,and it's totally new information.The weird thing with the training,is that where-ever you went,someone seemed to have the next part of the puzzle.There was a real magic to the whole thing.The "virtual reality learning zone" experience is happening to everyone.But when you link onto the subterranean current,and you really intend to make a connection,things get more intense.
Central :我會騰出另外一些時間來談論他們。關注過程和培訓更為有趣。這些是我懂得很多的專案,而且它是完全是新的資料。培訓奇異之處在於,無論你到那裡,總有人似乎有拼圖的下一部分。整件事情的經過就是真正的魔術。每個人都經歷了 "模擬現實學習區" 的經驗。但是當您連結到地下電流,真的打算來一個接通,事情會變得較激烈。

In Indonesia the process is formalized.That is to say,the subterraneans have contact with the Silat schools.Silat is an Indonesian martial art.
在印尼這種進程訓練是正式存在的。即是說地下組織有與 Silat 學校接觸。Silat 是印尼的武術。

Untwine:Okay music is done,nice I love Debussy.That's where I am going
Untwine :音樂播好了。好聽,我愛德普希。以下就是我現要點擊的影片:

Central: In the Silat schools there is more classic training.A group of initiates will get together and do martial arts,sparring,fasting,meditation.Then when they are ready they will all go there together.My teacher said,when he was seven years old,a monk came along and noticed him in his house.The monk asked his parents if it was OK to start training,his parents said yes...and he started training from that point.He still went to school and had a normal life,but he was in training till the age of about 24
Central:在 Silat 學校還有更多經典的培訓。一群剛入門的學徒聚在一起練武術、 拳擊、 斷食,冥想。然後當他們準備好,他們都會一起去地心文明世界。我的老師說,當他七歲的時候,一位出家人經過並在他的住家裡注意到他。師父有問過他的父母,是否可以讓他開始參加訓練,他的父母說可以......,他於是從那時刻開始參加培訓。他仍然有上學,過著正常的生活,可是他直到大約 24 歲仍在受訓。

Untwine: Oh wow interesting
Untwine: 哦哇,有意思。

I don't know Game of Thrones so I don't know what you mean by nonsense and voting ?

Central: When I say "nonsense" I mean that we"re at the end game now.And every faction is manoeuvring to be top dog.


Central: They will all look you straight in the eye and swear they don't know what you"re talking about,and we should all work together,and we"re all one family...Then they go off and plot.

Untwine: Plot for what ?

Central: Remember Cobra said there was discord and factionalism in the light forces? It was bad in 2012,it was much worse in 2009-2011.To control the worlds money supply,to get their people in certain bases.To get their "candidates" into prime positions.
Central:還記得柯博拉說在光明勢力中有紛爭與派系鬥爭嗎? 這種情況2012 年時很嚴重,在 2009 年-2011 年時更糟糕。要控制世界的貨幣供應,要安插他們的親信在某些基地。要安插他們的"候選人"坐在首要的職位。

Untwine: I see

Central: Their politics is interlinked with ours.I don't know specifics and names,but all this sort of business was going on.
Central: 他們的政治是與我們相互關聯的。我不知道具體細節和名稱,但所有這類的交易正在進行著。

Untwine: Even benevolent ones ?

Central: Yes.Even benevolents.What does benevolent even mean?

Untwine: Well-intended

Central: But what does well intended mean? The road to hell is paved with good intentions.There are people trying to set up"fair global government" right now.
Central:但是什麼是有良好的意圖呢? 通往地獄的道路是有良好的願望鋪成的。現在還有人試圖建立 "公平全球政府"。

Untwine: Yeah I see.

Central: The real division is between those who want freedom and the control freaks.And in between the outgoing psychopaths,and the freedom types,you have many shades of grey.This is why the process is taking so long.You have groups that want to keep the old system but make it better…I don't accept that.I want total liberation and self-determination.

Untwine: I see.So it feels to me there's forces that are beyond the veil,deep true Agarthan networks,and off-world allies,that are beyond all this nonsense,and then they work to infuse liberation movements through various groups and people on the surface,having to deal with hostage situation and programmed and interfered with people,so it's quite a mess on the surface,many factions,etc?
Untwine: 我明白了。所以我的瞭解是在面紗之下,還是有其他的勢力、 深入地底真正的地心世界網絡和外星盟友的力量是超越這一切的廢物,然後這些勢力通過各種群體和地表面上的人員盡力滲透入解放運動,使得光明勢力不得不處理劫持人質事件和以程式設計干擾人們的事件,所以有這麼多派別,使得地表勢力陷入混亂,等等狀況對嗎?

Central: Exactly what you said.Except I don't know any of the names of the off world groups.I heard a few names but nothing more.There seems to be quite a lot of duplicity and name calling in the off world factions.At least from what we can see down here...SO after breakthrough I"m hanging back.*If* we ever get breakthrough.OK I"ll choose a song now.

Untwine: Okay,so about the training,you said it will be going on all over the planet,but for example in Europe,has there been that many people contacted,certain schools linking like in Indonesia,this type of stuff ?



Yes the training will be going on all over the place.But the situation has changed.Changed for the better.The old plan was to let certain people in for subterranean training,and take it from there.The new plan is to liberate the surface world and let them [the subterraneans] come up here...That's actually an easier way to do things.I don't know the exact situation in Europe.Also,I don't even worry about it now.My job is to focus on grassroots liberation and etheric liberation too.If people are trying to get into the subterranean world now,they"re doing it wrong.As a general rule,they tend to link with martial arts,yoga and meditation schools.But that's a very general statement.

Untwine: I"m not necessarily talking about going down there since I feel I am here to help liberate the planet,but meet and talk would be nice,do you think this is happening ?

Central: You will probably walk past them every day in the street in Paris.There will be doors up and down all over the place.But there's so much corruption and example is teachers charging huge amounts of money for training.

Untwine: OK and it seems that this type of expensive deal wouldn't get you there anyway ?

Central: They are just abusing their position.

Untwine: it feels that Agarthans would want to stop working with people who act like this ?

Central: OK.Well,they are not perfect either.The subterraneans aren't perfect.

The subterraneans have elevators into their world.You type in a code,and if you pass a DNA scan the elevator goes dooowwwn.There are doors and temples where they come out whenever they feel like it.
他們有電梯進入他們的世界。您鍵入一個代碼,接著您經審查通過一個 DNA 掃瞄電梯就會滑下。他們可以隨意從各種門戶及寺廟走出來。
Translator: BumiBorneo

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