
Hungary,the UK,the US,Bulgaria,Moldova free from Khazarian control,Austria,Italy,South Korea next
Benjamin Fulford,21 November,2016
本傑明·富爾福德 2016年11月21日

The liberation of the planet earth from Khazarian gangster control is now snowballing.The UK liberated itself with the Brexit vote while the Americans freed themselves by electing Donald Trump as President.Trump's election was followed immediately by anti-Khazarian regime change in Bulgaria and Moldova.Next, a Presidential election in Austria and a referendum in Italy, both due on December 4th, are expected to liberate those countries.Following this will be the likely election of Marine Le Pen as President of France in May and the ouster of German Chancellor Angelina Merkel sometime in 2017.

(註:並不是說川普是個好人,而是選他代表了美國人民受夠了長期以來掌控權利的那些人,許多人的心態也許只是想選擇和以往不一樣的人看看能不能獲得改變罷了。事實上川普與希拉蕊都是跟陰謀集團有關的人,川普代表耶穌會,希拉蕊代表布希/洛克菲勒/克林頓派系,無論選誰都是陰謀集團的魁儡,只是派系/利益不同做法不同而已。只有全面揭露才能全面改變。參考:【柯博拉】2016-9-29 Cobra Interview by Prepare for Change)

In South Korea as well, Khazarian puppet President Park Geun Hye has been exposed as totally corrupt and is being removed from power.In Japan too, right-wing forces are moving against Khazarian proxies like Yasuyuki Nambu of the Pasona Group, Masayoshi Son of Softbank and others to prepare the way for the liberation of this country.

Later in the game the European Union, the United Nations and subsidiary organizations like the IMF and the World Bank are also expected to collapse before being replaced by more representative, meritocratic, democratic and competently run institutions.

Much of this outcome hinges on the nearly over but still not finished power struggle in Washington D.C.

The first senior staff members selected by Donald Trump are all US armed forces veterans making it clear his government will be strongly linked to the US military.This means the men with guns are finally taking action.

Navy veteran Steve Bannon is Chief Strategist, army veterans Mike Pompeo, Jeff Sessions and Michael Flynn respectively have the jobs of CIA head, Attorney General and Director of National Security.So far no neocons or Khazarians have been selected.

A Pentagon source says the names of neocons like Rudolph Giuliani, John Bolton, David Petraeus and Mitt Romney were"floated so trump can say "you"re fired.""

New National Security Adviser General Michael Flynn summed up the situation as follows:

"We just went through a revolution…This is probably the biggest election in our nation's history, since bringing on George Washington when he decided not to be a king.That's how important this is."

In a clear sign this really is a revolution, CIA sources tell us that arch-criminal George Soros has been"taken out," as reported by this writer on November 20th.Pentagon sources are saying that others on the list who need to be removed from the scene include Senator John"ISIL" McCain and Edgar Bronfman who"owns McCain."

Other Pentagon sources say that a special"navy doomsday plane" was sent to fly from California to Denver last week to deploy special weapons" in order to"drive cabalists out of underground bases" so that they could be arrested.

Speaking about underground bases, White Dragon Society sources in Antarctica say:

"One of our team members in Antarctica saw David Rockefeller with his son Richard at "The Base"along with several other elites from Europe.There is a top secret meeting taking place there now.The word is that they are preparing for January 20."

Other sources say they saw members of the Rothschild family at that Antarctic base too.

(The Russian documentary linked below is recommended as the most thoroughly researched background information this writer could find on secret Antarctic bases,

It is a good guess these elites are hoping to find shelter or else a ticket off-planet at that base but they are unlikely to find either because all the evidence indicates this planet is under some form of quarantine.

In any case, judging from the 2017 occult cover of the Rothschild and P2 Freemason Agnelli family owned Economist, the bloodline families are in a state of confusion.The cover, seen at the link below, is called"Planet Trump" and features tarot cards.


Here is this writer's first stab and what it means:

The first card, called"the tower," shows the Catholic Church being split between its communist and traditional Christian factions.

The second, called"Judgement" shows Donald Trump holding the symbols of power, meaning most likely they expect a Neurenberg type tribunal to be convened when he assumes office.

The third, called"the World" shows symbols of the gnostic Illuminati, the family owned central banks and monotheism unified under what appears to be a moon god.Above them are what appear to be Maria(the Goddess Isis), the holy book and the sun god.It seems they think the world will be unified under these symbols.

The fourth called"the Hermit" shows North America leading a populist movement against TPP, TTIP and the EU, indicating they have gone against their"globalist" agenda.

The fifth, called"death," shows plagues, tsunamis, fish die-offs, nuclear weapons and crop failures and is probably meant as a threat by the bloodline families to unleash these calamities if they are cornered.

The sixth, called"the magician," seems to indicate they expect 3d printing and virtual reality to be the biggest high tech trends of the year.

The seventh, called the"Wheel of Fortune" shows a smiling Marine Le Pen and a frowning Angela Merkel waiting for the results of elections indicating they expect Le Pen to win and Merkel to lose.This writer could not identify the third person.

The final one,"the star," seems to show pictures of pop culture personalities who will have strong financial backing during the year.The only one this pop culture knowledge deficient writer could identify appears to be Lady Gaga.
最後一張牌,"星星",似乎顯示的是,將在2017年獲得強有力資金後援的流行音樂藝人。對於不怎麼追星的筆者本人來說,唯一能認出的人似乎是Lady Gaga。

What their predictions are showing most of all though is a clear sign they no longer control the destiny of this planet and that is why the resorted to tarot cards.

Since the Rothschilds and Angellis appear to be out of the loop on future events now, here is a bit of what sources in the new regime are saying is coming up.

For one thing, as soon as President Barack Obama loses his ability to issue pardons on January 20th, there are going to be a flood of revelations coming out of the US agencies about pedophilia and human sacrifice carried out by many well-known US and European politicians and personalities.The Bush/Clinton family, Mitt Romney, Carl Rove and others are expected to be included in these revelations, Pentagon sources say.

The Rothschilds and their kinfolk can also expect hearings about what really caused the Asian tsunami of 2006, the Japanese tsunami and nuclear disaster of 2011, the Haiti tsunami etc.In other words, the world will find out they are a bunch of ruthless mass murderers.

The coming months will also reveal a"Trump/Putin tag team that will kill ISIL as a prelude to a US-EU-Russian and Vatican Christian bloc to contain China and terminate the global Khazarian mafia," the sources say.

The Chinese, for their part, are already leading towards a form of Christianity with Chinese features, Chinese secret society sources say.They point out that many of the features that separate Christianity from Judaism actually came from their founder Mozi (450 to 291 BC).He promoted universal love and came up with the idea of a heaven that only the virtuous could enter.He also came up with the idea that if you give a person a piece of bread you only feed them for one day but if you give them a fishing rod and teach them to fish, you can feed them for life.

Translator's warning:Why did the church burnt Giordano Bruno who opposed the geocentric theory to death in 1600 !? If Chinese government become theocracy, will that means Chinese government will adopt Geocentric Theory into text books and adopt burning at the stake into Criminal Law ? The government impose theocracy without citizens"agreement means their true objective is to implement obscurantist policy in order to consolidate its ruling and the stratum solidification.

The point being is that the Asian secret societies are already sold on the idea of make love, not war, with the West.They just don't want to be raped, robbed and killed.

The obstacle to a world of universal love is now the still unsettled battle for control of the financial system and thus the process for deciding what humanity does in the future.

On that front, the latest news is the Dutch delegation that is visiting Indonesia this week on behalf of the Dutch royal family is upset that three Dutch World War2sunken warships that were discovered off the coast of Indonesia in 2002 have vanished.

"It is all about the Gold that was in those ships.The Dutch were trying to bring part of the ancient royal treasure that they had stolen from the Indonesia Royals of Java and Sulawesi to the Netherlands so the Japanese would not get it," a WDS source in Indonesia explains.

It sounds like the European bloodline families were counting on this gold to back their efforts to keep control of the world's financial system and now they are back to square one.

If there is in fact no gold, or if it has already all been stolen and used, we need to find this out ASAP.We cannot wait forever for these legendary million ton stashes of gold to appear.If the gold does not exist, a new reality based financial system can be made without it.Money can be backed by real estate, commodities, industrial facilities, labour etc.

As soon as a new, transparently, meritocratically and honestly run financial system is launched many wonderful things can start right away.

The Russians, for example, have already given the go ahead for a tunnel linking Siberia with Alaska.People and freight could then move by train from New York to London via Moscow.

We must stop fighting and starting saving the planet.

丁澤宇 翻譯






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