As challenging as it may seem at times, it is time to fix your attitude.You can gloss over the rough parts, smile though the painful and laugh through the terrible.The chances of things staying exactly as they are will not change unless you choose.Most often, these actions come from a lack of forgiveness of self…so start there, my love.Even if, in that moment, you do not truly feel it, give yourself a chance. You are worthy and deserving of a new start.

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All that I am,you are.All that you are,I am.You are precious to me.

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Even your moments of doubt are beautiful and sacred to The Universe.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Desperate counter attack by Satanic mafia failing on all fronts as human liberation nears

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維基解密(WikiLeaks)網站週一披露大批據稱來自美國中央情報局(CIA)網絡情報中心的文件和檔案。網站始創人阿桑奇聲稱,這是有史以來公諸於世的最全面美國間諜蒐集機密檔案,數量多過斯諾登(Edward Snowden)所披露。

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Some of you may be experiencing a clearing of sorts. Memories of the past may come barreling down on you like a freight train, catching you completely unaware. Do not be disheartened by this, beautiful one. The memories and the triggers that follow are necessary for further growth. As painful as it is in the moment, know that in the next one, it will change.

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