The Pleiadians and the Lyrans
The first humanoid race on your planet was not native to it but came to Earth from the Lyran star system. This small band of individuals, later known as Pleiadians, came to Earth to escape conflicts on their home planet, of which they wanted no part. They were peace-loving and anxious to avoid conflict at all cost.
After settling on Earth, they experienced physical difficulties resulting from the difference in gravitation and atmosphere. To resolve this, they extracted genetic material from ape-like primates on Earth and combined it with their own DNA, which over many hundreds of years made them true terrestrials. This had no effect on the primates who contributed their genes.
Alas, the Lyrans, whom the early Earth settlers had sought to escape, found their way to Earth and began a different genetic experiment, the one we mentioned earlier in describing your beginnings. The Lyrans took up the task of creating humanoids on Earth from the same primates that had helped the first settlers adjust to Earth. The first settlers found the Lyran presence unbearable and their activities unethical, and left Earth. They traveled for generations before they finally settled in the Pleiades. Because of their important connection to Earth and their love and concern for the humanoids of Earth, the Pleiadians have been monitoring you and involving themselves in your affairs to varying degrees. We will call them Pleiadians, even though their first home was Earth.
The Lyrans lived on Earth only periodically while their humanoid creations were evolving. Remaining there for any length of time was physically uncomfortable for them, as it had been for the first settlers. They lived primarily in spacecraft and traveled back and forth between Earth and their home planets and others with which they were involved. Their involvement with Earth increased when the humanoids they had created evolved enough to procreate with them. The first progenitors still could not live on Earth comfortably, but their offspring easily adapted to Earth and continued to procreate. Periodically, the Lyrans mixed their seed with their human offspring. These periods of infusion of extraterrestrial genes sped up human evolution exponentially.
The Lyrans spawned offspring unlike the terrestrial parent, with far greater intellectual and physical capacities, including increased size, agility, and strength. The offspring looked different from those with more terrestrial blood, although these differences lessened over time as the Lyran genes became more integrated into the human race. Height was the most outstanding evidence of the Lyrans’ involvement with the burgeoning human race. Lyrans were more than seven feet tall.
Evolution this rapid created difficulties within the human race, as can be imagined. Fighting and conflict were common, as racial differences contributed to competitiveness. Certain characteristics, like tallness, light skin, and hairlessness, became more desirable than others, leaving some members of society outcast or disenfranchised. Thus, racial struggles were born early in your history and were, in fact, part of the original Lyran conflict. Your Lyran forefathers also fought over similar differences.