The history of this race is not only interesting but important to you. It is important because you are traveling down the road they traveled many millennia ago. They regret they traveled this road and have much to teach you about where they went wrong and what they would have done differently. You are giving them the chance to redo their past by providing them with the genetic keys to go backwards in time. You also are giving them the opportunity to balance their mistakes by teaching you. This is your relationship with the Zeta Reticuli.

The Zetas only recently became aware of you. They had never interacted with the human race before their arrival in mid-century. They heard the call for help sent out by your extraterrestrial guardians at the advent of the atomic age. When civilizations reach this point in their development (and many inevitably do), warnings are sent out to those who might be affected. The Zetas received this call because it was thought they might be able to convince you to turn away from nuclear power. The Elders of your planet, the Sirians in particular, saw the possibility of mutual aid and told the Zetas about you.

The Zetas were elated to discover there was a race so like them genetically and one to which they could pay their karmic dues. They eagerly accepted the challenge of helping you and, in the process, of helping themselves. The only problem was that approaching you directly would probably create too much disturbance on Earth. This had to be handled carefully. So the extraterrestrials guarding your planet devised a plan.

Their plan was to introduce themselves gradually to you, to secure soul-agreements with certain people to help, and to save genetic material in case you destroyed yourselves and your environment with nuclear weapons before they could stop you. They also planned to use the Pleiadians as go-betweens and peacemakers.

Starting in the late 1940's, the Zetas began observing you and abducting people for their genetic and experimental needs. They abducted only those from whom they received permission on a soul level. And, for their protection, they arranged for abductees to forget the abduction. Nevertheless, some still recalled these events through hypnosis. This was one of the plan's imperfections. The Zetas did not mean to traumatize their subjects. They regret the problems this has caused people, but they feel justified (based on the soul-agreements) in continuing their activities. On the positive side, the accounts of abductees have helped the public gradually become acquainted with extraterrestrials.

The Zetas carry out their work mostly at night, when they are least likely to be perceived and when their subjects are likely to be asleep. They appear in the daytime only in remote, isolated areas where they will not be observed by bystanders. They enter people's homes by disassembling and reassembling their atoms rather than by going through doors or windows. They can do the same for abductees, who either travel with them physically or in their astral body. Sometimes the Zetas find it easier to just use the astral body, while leaving the physical body behind in a state of protected sleep. But when they need the physical body, they propel it through walls and through the air to their spaceship, where the necessary medical equipment is waiting.

This can be done so quietly and with so little intrusion that others in the house are unaware of what is happening. Zetas also can make themselves invisible, but they prefer not to use their energy this way unless they have to. They are skilled in hypnosis as well, which enables them to put household members or other possible spectators in deep states from which they will not awaken until a certain signal is given.

You may be wondering why the Zetas don't use the Pleiadians for the abductions if they are so concerned about frightening people. They don't use Pleiadians because the Pleiadians do not have the technical skills needed to transport people and because most people don't recall the night's activities anyway. Besides, abduction even by kindly, human-looking beings would be disturbing to most people. In the end, only a small percentage of abductees recall their abductions, which gives you an idea of how common they are. They are a nightly affair.

The Zeta abductions are different from the Greys' in several ways. First, although both the Zetas and the Greys are using your genes to improve their species, their intentions are very different. The Zetas intend to return to their home bases and resume their lives once they have regained their health and viability. The Greys, on the other hand, hope to remain on Earth with you as their slaves. That is quite a difference.

Second, while the Zetas return their subjects unharmed, the Greys have been known to kill, mutilate, and dismember their subjects, as you might do in your laboratory experiments with animals. Many missing persons, including many children, have been taken by the Greys and killed, although painlessly. The Greys have no more respect for human life than most of you have for animals or plants. They view you as a lower form of life, even though you could be their ancestors. You are to them what cave men or apes might be to you: a scientific curiosity. This should cause you to reflect on your treatment of other forms of life!

The third difference is that the Greys purposely incite fear in their subjects because they are studying fear in human beings. Once they find a way to create a permanent state of fear in you, they can control you. Since fear is caused by chemicals, their plan is feasible and clever, befitting the most diabolical of self-servers.

The Zetas, on the other hand, do not want to frighten you, although they realize they do. The Zetas try to communicate safety and calmness to you. However, not everyone receives their soothing telepathic messages because they are often blocked by fright. They don't know how to communicate with you except telepathically, so they are at a loss when you can't “hear” them. When this happens, they take special care to erase the memory of the frightening event. But as we have said, they are not always successful.

Another major difference between the Zetas and the Greys is that the Greys lie to you, and the Zetas don't. The Zetas communicate little rather than lie to you. When they choose not to communicate with you, it is for your own good. The Greys, on the other hand, lie and confuse people. Lies are an essential part of their plan.

So, how can you tell the Greys from the Zetas when they look so much alike? You can tell by how you feel. Granted, even an encounter with a Zeta can be frightening. Still, beneath the fright will be a sense of serenity or trust, which will not be present around the Greys. Around them, you feel frightened to death—and rightly so! The trick is not to feel frightened around either of them. Not being frightened will help the Zetas' work and obstruct the Greys', making it less likely the Greys will harm you. Hopefully, knowing this will help you overcome your fear.

The good news is that most abductions are by Zetas, since there are fewer Greys. Furthermore, only a small percentage of abductions by Greys result in disappearance and death. This may be of little comfort to the hundreds who have lost children to the Greys over the last forty years. The Greys take children because they are easy to snatch and keep in a state of fright. The Greys also are responsible for the cattle mutilations, which are part of their scientific investigations.

The Greys are cowards in many respects and have neither the Zetas' cleverness nor their technical know-how. This explains why their spacecraft are the ones found crashed. Their actions are despicable and must be stopped. However, as long as the public remains in the dark about who is responsible for the cattle mutilations and missing persons, little can be done to stop them.











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