The Greys are a dying race and soon will no longer serve as vehicles for service-to-self. Many Greys will change paths as a result of their extinction, never to return to service-to-self again. This is the natural course of service-to-self. All self-servers eventually become servers, and often only after a similar course. The positives understand this and are willing to let the Greys play this out to the finish their own way so that the greatest number of Greys will learn the futility of their path. This is a spiritual turning point for them.
The Zetas may be your closest allies because no one else has as much motivation for being involved with you now as they do. The other positive extraterrestrials have been involved with you throughout your history. Only the Zetas have recently come to your aid, and only they have a fate that is so intimately tied to yours and yours to them. You have spiritual, biological, and emotional lessons to learn from each other. The Zetas have much to offer you in exchange for your trust and your help.
They want you to trust them because they know they can help you. They also want you to trust them because they need you. Trust, however, will be a big issue, thanks to the Greys' misadventures with your government. The Pleiadians' tasks will be to help you learn to trust the Zetas. The Sirians will orchestrate the plan but remain invisible. So, the Pleiadians and the Zetas will be the most visible of those involved with you; however, many others from all over will be helping in their own way.
To prepare the Zetas for their future and for their meeting with you, the Pleiadians are teaching them about emotions. The Zetas realize that because they do not understand your emotions, they don't handle you as well as they might during your encounters. They are baffled by your fright, your extremes in expression, and your openness. They don't know what to make of such expressiveness, since they have nothing to express, themselves, but information. They have no capability for intimacy and sharing as a result. In short, they have no capacity for personal relationship.
This is a characteristic of the Zetas that will be baffling to you. They do cooperate and they do love, yet they are impersonal and uncommitted in how they love. They have no families and, consequently, no sense of belonging with particular individuals, only to their race. This has its advantages in building a society, as they view each other as equals and as equally valuable. Their race is ideal in this respect.
However, without physical differences and emotions, the Zeta lifestyle is predictable and dull, and spiritual evolution doesn't proceed as rapidly as it might. Evolution on the physical plane occurs through the interplay of polarities, of which the emotions (i.e. love/hate and happiness/sadness) are a part. The Zetas do have their conflicts, but they are about processes and procedures, not needs and attitudes. Thus, their race has become robotized because of their lack of emotions.
Maybe this helps you appreciate your emotions. The goal of your Earthly lifetimes is not to rid yourselves of your emotions. The goal is to use your emotional experiences to evolve beyond being ruled by them. As you move into fourth density, you will still have some fear, anger, guilt, and sadness, but you will not act on these emotions as you do now. Your relationship to your emotions will change, not the emotions themselves.
This is the step the Zetas never learned to make. They never learned to have their emotions without being ruled by them. Instead, they chose to rid themselves of them through genetic engineering. This hindered their evolution, especially their ability to experience unconditional love; for the evolution of emotions is the evolution of unconditional love. We have said that the Zetas experience love, and they do. However, their love is impersonal. It is different from the love you will evolve in the course of your evolution and different from the love they would have evolved had they retained their emotions.
The Zetas have so much to learn from you about emotions and, consequently, about love. This may sound strange, knowing they are many thousands of years more evolved than you intellectually and technologically. However, their evolution has been arrested emotionally. Now they must go back and catch up if they are to survive into the future.
They have the greatest admiration for your courage in struggling with the emotions they chose to eliminate. They may not understand emotions, but they know their importance now. And they know that your unfathomable emotions hold the key to their future. They respect you because you have something they so desperately want and need, and they want to help you for the same reason. However, their love for you goes beyond what they want and need. They love you because they see themselves in you and, like looking into the mirror of their past, they are mystified and astonished at the reflection they see.