It's Metaphysical Monday! Today's question is:

What if I'm trying to connect with a higher being and nothing happens?


There can be a few different reasons for this. If you are first starting to try to connect with a certain being, it is quite possible that your energy, and the energy of the being, needs to adjust until you can meet in a space of alignment. Don't be afraid to ask them to adjust your energy so you can hear or connect with them better. Tell them if you can't hear them and would really like to. This can be a process that takes a little bit of time and practice. Trust. Every time you try you are moving closer and closer to that alignment. You are also putting action to your intentions. Before you know it things will start to come in clearer, much like tuning yourself into a radio station.

Being psychic means being self aware. Check in with yourself before you try. How do you feel? Are you hot or cold? When you try to connect pay attention if you get any physical signs that are indicators that the energy has shifted. Spirit can give us signs of their presence in a multitude of ways.

If you are more experienced with connecting with higher beings and suddenly can't, you may be going through an energy upgrade or download. Once it is completed you will be right back into feeling your connection again. It may also be that there has been a big energetic shift since the last time you connected so your connection point is slightly different than where it was last time. Your soul always knows where your connection point is, if it has already been established. Simply send your soul to the being you usually work with and you will meet them in the space that is being energetically supported that day.

It's important to remember that a higher being will always be honoured that you wish to connect with them and they will do everything they can to meet you in the middle. Don't give up. Ask for their help. Trust that if nothing is happening you are still making progress. And most of all, know that your intention is a powerful thing and you will find success if you stick with it.



Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻譯: Nick-Chan
Ask Gabriel(請問加百利):





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