Later Pleiadian Involvement

The Pleiadians did not see it this way. They did not feel comfortable with the kind of genetic engineering taking place on Earth. Because of their strong genetic, spiritual, and emotional ties with you, they felt an obligation to protect you and to oversee your evolution and the extraterrestrials’ activities. They not only tried to protect you from yourselves but from the other extraterrestrials shaping you. They even intervened to balance situations they felt were out of control or which might result in damage to your species. The Lyrans and Sirians, on the other hand, were much more apt to let you make mistakes and suffer the consequences. This was a major difference between the Pleiadians and the others, a difference that was responsible for several dramas throughout your history.
可昴宿星人卻並不這麼認為。對於他們來說,那時正在地球上發生的某種類型的基因工程試驗讓他們感到不舒服。因為他們與你們之間有著強韌的-基因上、靈性上以及感情上的-紐帶,他們感到有一種義務要保護你們,要監護你們的進化發展,並且監視其他地球外生命體的活動。他們不僅要試圖保護你們免受你們自己的傷害,並且還要試圖保護你們不受其他地球外生命的塑造(shaping you)。如果他們覺得現實的情況失去了控制,或者覺得如果這樣下去會給你們這個物種帶來傷害,那麼他們就會對現狀進行干涉以平衡現狀。而天琴星系人和天狼星人卻正相反,他們傾向於讓你們犯錯誤,並且讓你們自嘗苦果。這就是昴宿星人和其他人之間的主要不同,這個不同是你們整個歷史之中一些事件和戲劇發生的原因。

Sometimes the Pleiadians did more harm than good with their interventions. For instance, the Pleiadians saw no reason for you to suffer from diseases they knew how to cure, so they gave you cures. This eased your suffering but didn’t help you develop your medical knowledge. By removing the impetus for medical discovery, the Pleiadians actually delayed your intellectual growth, since the intellect is expanded by exercising it—not by being given answers or by having no need to exercise it. This is why we and others like us, and now the Pleiadians, will not give you answers to your problems. The Earth plane is a plane of polarities, and only by having difficulties and overcoming them can you evolve.

This will not change once you move into fourth density; you will simply have different challenges, ones that relate less to survival and more to fulfilling your intellectual potential. You will be less concerned with providing for your physical selves and more with providing for your intellectual and cultural selves. The fourth-density world of the future will be one in which you will be learning to function as a coordinated whole rather than as separate individuals, although your individuality will remain intact. You will be more concerned with collective good than personal good. Moving into fourth density will be a major step in humanity’s evolution, as you can undoubtedly appreciate.

At the time, the Pleiadians knew this kind of interference could have such an effect, but they felt the benefits of interference outweighed the disadvantages. They had forgotten the importance of physical suffering; it had been so long since they had suffered themselves. By making this mistake, they were reminded of this. They now work to share their understanding with others who might make this same mistake.

Another mistake the Pleiadians made was to interfere in your wars. They appeared in visions to try to convince you of the irrationality of war. This had no impact because you were too emotionally immature to negotiate. You wanted to fight. Until fighting became more painful than not fighting, fighting would continue. You have only recently become evolved enough to settle your differences nonviolently. You are open to this now because some enlightened individuals have managed to teach you peace-making skills and because you have no choice: The world is too small, and you need each other’s resources.

The Pleiadians did more than just try to talk you out of fighting. At times, they physically (or not so physically) intervened to jam your weapons or foil the invention of new ones. This kind of interference is similar to what we and other spirit guides and teachers do to guide humanity. The difference is that those like us are more objective, more evolved, and have had more experience acting as guides than the Pleiadians did then. The Pleiadians have evolved considerably since then and realize now that they were premature in playing that role with you and vow not to interfere like that anymore. They did not always have the best judgment, but their intentions were always good.

The Lyrans and the Sirians were the main players in your history because they did not have the same compunctions about shaping you that the Pleiadians had. The Pleiadians intervened only occasionally and with altruistic, protective motives, while the Lyrans and Sirians intervened regularly, out of duty as overseers of their creations. Both the Lyrans and the Sirians figured heavily in your early history. However, at a certain point, the Lyrans all but dropped out and left the task of nurturing humanity to the Sirians.

The Sirians took over until they felt humanity was ready to stand on its own. This point did not arrive until well into medieval times. Since then, the Sirians have been monitoring your activities from afar, but not appearing to you or communicating openly with you. The same is true of the Lyrans, who have been monitoring you and occasionally walking among you, but rarely intervening directly in your affairs. It is interesting, don’t you think, that soon after their apparent involvement ceased, science and rationality began replacing religion.

This period of nonintervention is ending, however—not that any of these groups will intervene like they have in the past. Earth is obviously in need of help; and the Pleiadians, the Lyrans, and the Sirians are answering this call. You are, after all, their creations and members of the same galactic family.











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