Here is the transcript and the audio of the first part of the joint Cobra/Corey Goode interview by Rob Potter.The second part will be posted when finished.
Rob Potter前幾天主持了柯博拉/柯裡古德的聯合訪談。這是訪談第一部分的逐字稿。第二部分的逐字稿和語音檔會在完成後製之後上傳。
The Youtube audio version is here:
The SoundCloud player audio version is here:
Link to Rob Potter's page with the interview is here:
連結致Rob Potter訪談專頁:
And the transcript is here:
Rob:Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, brothers and sisters, divine embodiment of the All.My name is Rob Potter and this is the Victory of the Light radio show.I"m your host of the Pyramid one.I"d like to thank Alan from the land of wonder down under who makes it possible.You can see the station button on the web-site if you want to support this station .I"d like to let you all know I do a fb page and Cobra Resistance and blog.You can check that out.Also my web-site the"d like to thank Danell for the transcription.I"d like to thank Rique Seraphico who normally does the transcription.We"ll have him back.I"d like to thank Chris for modulating Cobra"s voice.With 24K miles signal delay at times, it made it a little difficult.It went over an hour but with the edits we had to do we"re down to 50 minutes so I"m doing a little longer intro.I"m some information that will enjoy this second.We can share some information with you
Rob:各位先生女士、男孩女孩、兄弟姊妹、各位聽眾朋友,大家好。我是Pyramid one的主持人Rob Potter。您現在收聽的是光之勝利的現場轉播。我首先要感謝Alan幫忙促成今天的節目。如果聽眾朋友想要支持本網站,可以點擊網頁下方的捐款功能。我想讓聽眾朋友知道我們的臉書粉絲頁、個人網站和部落格。我的網站是 我要感謝Danell幫忙騰打逐字稿。我也要感謝先前經常幫忙騰打逐字稿的Rique Seraphico。我要謝謝Chris做柯博拉的變聲處理。由於我和兩位來賓的相隔距離很遠,網路訊號的延遲使得後製處理變得有點麻煩。今天的訪談時間是1個小時;加上後製的話,實際的訪談時間是50幾分鐘。
Insiders revealing what"s going on have agreed for the sake of unity and the sake of their followers are going to be commenting on each others" questions.I have some questions
(Rob: , Cobra: , Corey: )
Rob:Corey and Cobra.Despite the fact that certain aspects of your information does not match up with each other, do you both generally agree on the bigger issues such as; full disclosure, freedom for the people, release of hidden technology, an end to war and environmental destruction.Corey.
Rob:柯裡和柯博拉,你們好。雖然你們的資料在某些方面並不吻合,你們是否都同意我們要為大局著想。例如全面大揭露、人類的自由、公開隱藏科技和終結戰爭和環境破壞? 請柯裡先回答。
Corey:Yea, I think that"s something pretty much anyone can get behind.We"ve all seen the signs of all of these topics not being conspiracies, they"re real.We"ve seen the different political movements.Everyone is tired of the lies.They"re ready.(Cobra)
COBRA:Yes.Of course I agree with this and I have been fighting with this my whole life and of course I would agree and I would support anybody who would be fighting along the same lines.
Rob:Is there any reason that both of your respective audiences should not cooperate with each other towards full disclosure and planetary liberation.Cobra.
COBRA:I do not see any reason for that.(Corey)
Corey:That"s one of the main things that we"re trying to doing the full disclosure project is obtain unity in the community.There are so many different ideologies that we can argue about.The one thing that we can all agree on is that we want full disclosure.We want to know the truth.If we put blinders on to all the things we disagree about and focus on what we agree, we can get a lot accomplished.
Rob:Wonderful.That"s what the world"s been wanting to hear.Corey do you know what the Event is as Cobra has described it.(No) Cobra would you like to give him a brief synopsis.
COBRA:Yes, of course.The event is the moment of the compression breakthrough.The compression breakthrough is when the light forces from above the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet meet in the middle that is on the surface of the planet.I hope that we all agree that there are certain factions that support the light and support the liberation that exists inside of the solar system.There are some factions that support the light and the liberation of the planet that are existing below the surface.They"re progressing towards the surface of the planet because the surface of the planet is the main battleground is the main focus of all this situation that is not just limited to the planet Earth.When this breakthrough happens, this is what we term the Event.The Event is actually many things at the same moment.It is when the light forces take over the mass media and release intel about ET involvement, about the crimes of the Cabal, about the advanced technologies, so FULL disclosure.This is part of it.The other part of it is the mass arrest of the Cabal.The other part of it is Financial re-set that the Eastern alliance has been preparing for quite a long time.And of course we have been gradually going towards the first contact which is an actual official contact between the earth civilization and other positive ET races that exist throughout the galaxy.And the Event is a trigger point which begins that process.That"s the short overview of what the Event is.And of course we have the pulse from the galactic central sun.The galactic central sun is a living entity and it times the pulse of energy according to our global awareness and the level of that awareness and the level of the awakening.And when we have this compression breakthrough the level of awakening is high enough for humanity to receive that pulse of increased energy from the galactic center.
Rob:Corey, do you have any intel that confirms Cobra"s information on the Event as he has stated specifically.
Rob -柯裡,你對柯博拉講述的事件有沒有相關的情報?
Corey:Much of what he"s said are part of the negotiations between all of these different alliances, Cabal groups, all of these are things that I"ve heard among things that has been negotiated.Yes, that"s very much a part of the reality of what is going on and is being negotiated.A lot of those things are in flux about what percentage some groups what to put out and all that.When it"s all said and done they"re not really going to ...they think they have more power about how stuff is going to come out than in what form they really do.
Rob:That is really good news for everyone.The next question is for Cobra.Cobra, have you heard as yet any confirmation from your sources to confirm not just the blue avians but the blue sphere being alliance or the meetings taking place as Corey has described them with the Super Federation of 40, the Anchara Alliance and the various groups as he describes them.
COBRA:This is actually many questions in one.I can confirm that my sources have confirmed the existence of the so—called spheres.They don't determine them in that way.They say there are many gigantic objects in the outer region of the solar system and also throughout the solar system that are cloaked most of the time.Cloaked not only in the visible part of the spectrum but cloaked in all ranges of electromagnetic radiation so they are not detectable.They are also not detectable for remote viewers.And yes, this is what I can confirm.I can not confirm all the details that Corey has released and I can not confirm his meetings with different alliances.But I can definitely confirm the existence of the spheres, not in details, but general information I can confirm.
Rob:Again ladies and gentlemen we have gentlemen who are both having genuine contacts and it seems these groups are working within their own different parameters.Corey can you give your opinion, I know there are lots of different people having lots of different types of contacts.Is the reason that some of these genuine people with face to face contact working for the same reason, from your understanding,might not be on the same thread.There"s obviously lots of groups.What is your opinion on that one.
Rob:各位聽眾朋友,我們現場有兩位曾親身與外星種族交流的來賓。這些外星團體似乎有各自不同的處事風格。柯裡能不能發表你的看法。我知道很多人經歷過各式各樣的外星交流。按照你的認知,是不是曾經和外星種族面對面交流的人可能不會站在同一陣線? 顯然地球之外有非常多不同的團體。你對這一點有甚麼看法?
Corey:There are many different groups working in slightly different ultimate agendas that have the same overall, I guess, agenda.They"re working their own segmented little operations and so, you know, they"re not always completely wise to the operations of other groups.They may have been working off a lot of the same intel but they"re not working off of the same mission statement.If that makes sense.If you mean different, these different beings, you could meet2or3different beings that have different operational modes that they"re in and have different reasons for delivering information to people.You can know it"s from the same overall operational goal.
Rob:Cobra, would you agree or do you have any comments on that.
COBRA:Yes, I would agree and I would say that each group has it"s own cultural roots and it"s own strategy.It"s not easy for any of the groups to navigate the situation because there has been so much complexity in the situation and they have to...each group has to find their own policy and it"s not always easy.Each group comes from their own perspective and when those perspectives come together there is always a period of getting to know each other, alignment of intel.It"s process that takes time, especially inside of this solar system when there has been so much division and so much suppression of intel.So this is the process I expect to take some time.
Corey:That"s an important point that Cobra made.You have to develop a rapport with a Being to understand their culture, I guess, where they"re coming from, the way they communicate because all these different beings can communicate in a different manner just like all the different people that you run across in a daily life.
Rob:That"s ok.Like Italians speak in a certain way and communicate ..
Corey:Not only that but different personality types and different points of view.People communicate differently and in our daily lives we may misconstrue our normal conversation so, you know, until you get to know a person then you"re going to understand what they trying to communicate to you.You have to develop a rapport with some of these Beings before you can fully relate what they"re communicating to you.
Rob:Ok.thank you.I usually choose questions that I get repeats on.This is kind of an interesting one.People have sent me links from news reporters from around the world with this same phenomena kind of like those giant circular sink holes that have been showing up, kind of kept silent.But around the world lots of people have recorded on videos as well as on newscast reports certain cities are hearing certain noises.And the question is, was are the mournful sound of trumpets registered in countries around the world.Cobra first.Do you have intel on what these sounds are.They are definitely seem to be real.
Rob:好的,謝謝你。我經常問多數聽眾想知道的問題。這個問題蠻有趣的。聽眾朋友寄給我好幾樁關於天坑現象的新聞。近幾年世界各地傳出地面突然冒出一個大洞。這些新聞都被冷處理。另外世界各地的城市也傳出民眾聽到某種噪音的新聞。我想問:這種類似號角低鳴的聲音到底是怎麼一回事? 請柯博拉先回答。你是否知道這些聲音的來源。顯然他們真的存在。
COBRA:OK.According to my sources what is happening is there is, I would term it infrasound, which is just on the threshold of human hearing about 16 Hz and that frequency is harmful for human consciousness and the Cabal is using scalar devices that transmit infrasound.The infrasound travels not only through physical space it travels through the etheric space and it travels especially through plasma.By infrasound scalar waves they keep human consciousness locked into a certain vibrational state and people who have good hearing can hear that sound.Some of the people can actually feel that sound within their bodies as a certain vibration, certain suppressive vibrations.It is something that has been actually monitored, measured and documented around the world.
Rob:To follow up here, some of the sounds are actually reaching to be heard in certain areas.It"s been recorded like for a week, I think, I"m not sure but somewhere in Utah they"re hearing these sounds and it"s on the news, so it is the technology of the Cabal breaking down and it"s breaking into the audible spectrum now?
COBRA:Actually many people can hear that sound.It is not so difficult to hear if you know what to listen to but people usually just disregard this because they have so many other things to focus on in their lives.As I"ve said again those sounds have been documented they have been measured.The frequency spectrum has been measured and usually it"s just below the threshold of human hearing but some people can hear it.
翻譯:Patrick Shih