Halloween Is not the nice festival as peoplesays even with all the efforts they did to make it look like as an innocentprank ! Halloween is a satanic festival !!!
It is themost important day for the satanist !!! it also celebrate the first day of the calendar of the wizards ! when everything goes dark.itis the day of the devil "Satan".Black and orange are the colors thatremind the color of Hell(darkness and fire ).dressing your kids likemonsters or witch is a way to invocate the power of Evil !
the deep purposeis to open a door to the children, so i make them believe that it is possiblefir them to ask for help from the dark forces !(Do not dress your kids indemons, monsters or witches disguise them with anything else not demonic )
深層的目的是為孩子們打開地獄的大門。所以我讓他們相信這有可能是在向黑暗力量尋求幫助! (不要讓你的孩子打扮成魔鬼、怪物或者女巫,(如果一定要裝扮的話)把他們裝扮成其他不那麼魔化的形象。)
toinvocate dark forces it is not a joke ! In USA in certain cities it is call'the Ball of Horror" where all perversions are allowed !(i said ALLperversions)they will practice magic, make rituals to bring demons on earth ! and venerate Satan !
I wantedyou to be aware of that!
In China TaoistMaster know very well about dark force that hurt people!
today inFrance, the interministery commission of vigilance against the sects andsatanism have send a warning to parents due to the growth of black mass andsatanism around the world! look even more and more cartoon have a satanictaste!
the Godand the Bad are fighting since ever! I fight the badsince ever! Burn incense that day and pray for your kids to protect them! ifsome of you want more information about the satanic Halloween day.You can askme!
If Theschool celebrate Halloween, I will not bring Sean to schoo .my position is irrevocable!I do notwant my kids to celebrate demons and Satan!
May Godprotect our Children! I told you i do not want him.to be part of any Halloweenactivities !but any activities...from drawing a pumpkin to put any of thosecostumes! I am totally..against thisevent! and will go on the beach with him for few days to avoid him to bearound all this Halloween commercial products that you can see everywhere.
希望上帝保護我們的孩子! 我說過,我不想讓他參與萬聖節的任何活動,從畫南瓜到穿奇裝異服的任何活動!我完全反對萬聖節!為了避免西恩被隨處可見的萬聖節商業產品所包圍,我會帶他去海灘待些日子.
As yousaid on your previous message that you will start today to prepare Halloween.So i did not brought him! Why doyou celebrate Halloween ? what is it that you think funny?what is it the origin and the meaning of this festival ? have you search?
theeducation of my Kids is to explain them that the demon is not a nice person,that the witches are not funny persons .that in the tradition of my family weknow the reason why we do not celebrate halloween ! Chinese does no goesoutside their home late at night during the ghosts month...Right ?
The 31 october is the first day of the Satanic calendar! The day of celebration ofthe Demon...Satan! and the biggest numbers of black mass in the world willoccur that day!
You canthink i am too much ! too extreme! As a spiritual person i tell you...it isjust a matter of knowing the subject as everything! when you know you can talk...Right!if youdon know you are a victim!
Mynumerous traditional Chinese friends have the same point of view ! we don"tcelebrate the demons !
Pray foryour Kids ! I love mine i protect him .and Pray for him !