- Jan 11 Tue 2022 00:00
- Jan 11 Tue 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-4 臣服不是放棄
Surrender is not about giving up your identity or preferences, but rather moving with the energies that allow you to become and experience more of who you really are.It is an authenticity tool that allows you to shrug off old stories and limitations and discover your truest self and your highest potentials with the greatest amount of assistance possible.The universe is only interested in expansion and that means revealing and enhancing what is glorious about you!
- Jan 10 Mon 2022 00:00
- Jan 10 Mon 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-3 擁抱自己的真理
What makes the new earth new is you having the courage to embrace your truth and step forward from that space of authenticity and pure potential.All the changes you seek will unfold from there.
- Jan 09 Sun 2022 00:00
- Jan 09 Sun 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-2 穩步的小量成長會創造一致性
What spiritual practice or positive change have you been meaning to implement but haven't made the time or commitment to do? Now would be an ideal time to start to put action to those intentions, for what you incorporate into your life, no matter how small, becomes part of who you are, and your beingness is what leads the way.
- Jan 08 Sat 2022 00:00
My dear friends,we love you so very much,
- Jan 08 Sat 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-1 敞開心扉去發現令你靈魂歌唱的最真實匹配
What does freedom, what does soul expansion, what does joyful self expression look like to you? An even better question might be what do they feel like to you, because these are some of the core traits of 2022 and beyond.You don't need to know the exact details you just have to be open to the discovery of your truest matches that make your soul sing.
- Jan 07 Fri 2022 00:00
- Jan 07 Fri 2022 00:00
- Jan 07 Fri 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-12-31 我怎樣才能更愛自己?
As many of you consider making New Year's resolutions, we suggest you simply commit to asking the following question on a daily basis:How can I love myself more?
- Jan 06 Thu 2022 22:22
【本傑明·福爾富德】2022-1-3 每週快訊
There are multiple signs that a final defeat of the Satanic Khazarian mafia is likely in 2022.The year 2021 year of the bull featured a largely successful defense against a Khazarian mafia plot to kill 90% of humanity.Now,the year of the tiger means we go on the offensive and destroy the final remnants of this ancient,evil cabal.