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The Khazarian mafia is desperately trying to start an all-out nuclear war and nearly succeeded over the past weekend. This prompted MI6 to send the following warning to the Chinese, the Russians and the US space force:

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The battle for the planet Earth is intensifying with huge developments in Europe and the Americas. The war in the Americas is especially intense with New York Governor Kathy Hochul saying 「I'm redeploying nearly 1,000 members of the New York State Police, MTA Police, an MTA National Guard to conduct bag checks in the City's busiest transit station.」

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In a sign the tide is really turning in favor of the white hats, the corporate media and former KM bosses have started telling the truth. For example, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg published a letter saying Joe Biden's administration 「repeatedly pressured」 Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram. to 「censor certain Covid-19 content」 during the pandemic. Also, former UK Prime Minister Elizabeth Truss says in public the Governor of the Bank of England is in charge of the UK, not the Prime Minister. She adds, 「That is a problem in a democracy.」 British military intelligence (MI6) is aware civilian governments have been hijacked and promised action to deal with the situation (better late than never).

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The autumn campaign in the secret battle for the planet earth has begun early with the execution of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, the mysterious illnesses of Anthony Fauci and the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. A lot more is happening behind the scenes as well.

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By now a critical mass of Americans, -along with most of the rest of the world- understand the ongoing US 「Presidential election」 is just corporate theater. They also understand that at the end of the day, neither Kamala Harris or Donald Trump will actually end up in control of the Untied (deliberate typo) States.

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The Olympic truce is over and it is now open season on the remaining Khazarian Mafia bosses. In particular, Alex Soros and David Rockefeller Jr. and all members of their families –the puppet masters of the fake Kamala Harris- have had a $1 billion gold bounty placed on their heads by the planetary liberation alliance. The gold can be picked up in the Philippines or Hong Kong, alliance sources say.

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A man in drag wearing a silicon mask and a reality TV actor are being presented to the American people as presidential candidates. No wonder 80% of US citizens think their country is 「spiraling out of control.」

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First of all this week let me start with a message to the people who broke into my computer and deleted my notes for the week:Any government that is afraid of the truth is doomed. When this is all over, you will either be executed for treason or spend the rest of your life in jail.

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The Khazarian Mafia's 「rules-based world order」 is staging a desperate offensive to stay in power and avoid war crimes tribunals. To this end they blatantly stole the UK election and installed blackmailed pedophile Keir Starmer as Prime Minister, MI6 sources say. The next phase will be to try to install either Michelle 「Big Mike」 Obama or Kamala Harris as President in the US, they say.

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In a military-grade psychological warfare operation equivalent to a nuclear bomb, the so-called debate between US President Donald Trump and fake President Joe Biden destroyed the entire Democratic Party paradigm. This caused brainwashed Kool-Aid drinkers believing Joe Biden was actually president to freak out big time. Since this is all over the blogosphere we will not delve too deeply into their reaction. Instead, we have inserted a bunch of clips of Khazarian Mafia talking heads exploding on air. My personal favorite is an obviously drunk Nancy Pelosi appearing on TV to cling to the illusion Biden will somehow stay as president.

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True to its promise, the Black Sun organization is increasing mayhem worldwide. They promise that if a World Federation is not announced this autumn, there will be a world war.

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A series of public and private meetings last week confirmed the Swiss-based Octagon group and their G7 subsidiary are suing for peace. This is along the lines –as previously reported here- of a seven-region world council and a future planning organization to take over the functions of the UN, BIS, World Bank, IMF, etc.

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The secret battle for the planet earth is intensifying as the white hats and the remaining Satanists struggle over the control of an upcoming financial black swan event. Asian Secret Society and Western military/intelligence white hat sources say no new system will be possible until the Satanists behind the fake Biden regime are removed. The Satanists for their part are trying both to assassinate opponents and sugarcoat their financial system reboot with bribes.

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In what looks like a fight to the death over deck chairs on a sinking Titanic, Donald Trump and Alex Soros are now in a state of open warfare against each other. It is a good bet Soros, his Barack Obama house slave and their entire faction will lose the war.

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The Khazarian Mafia is going on a worldwide murder spree directed at top government leaders in a desperate attempt to avoid war crimes tribunals. This has triggered a white hat response that includes bounties being placed on dozens of top KM war criminals.

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Lawyers and bankers are drawing up documents for a new international system that will be phased in starting this autumn and going into 2025. This work is necessary because, if the details are not worked out properly, huge problems will emerge as things snowball into massive world changes. This fine-tuning requires time. What needs to be made clear though is that this is not going to be a transfer of power from one secret group to another, The new system will be handed over to the people so that 「the meek shall inherit the earth.」

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The white hat victory in the battle for the planet Earth is now becoming obvious in multiple ways. For example, as Reuters reports:「Talks to draw up a global pact to help fight future pandemics have ended without a draft agreement by the expected deadline…the World Health Organization said on Friday.」

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The white hats have won the secret war for the planet Earth. We are now in an interregnum. However, not much will be visible to the public until preparatory work for new institutions and world norms is finished. Public announcements are likely in the autumn.

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