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醒覺大勢頭在痞客邦開站了,以後這裡就不幫忙搬運整理了,請到 https://bigawake.pixnet.net/blog/post/176478967 觀看本週本傑明·福爾富德的每週快訊,感謝醒覺大勢頭的譯文分享。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The Khazarian Mafia have activated their plan for mayhem and destruction in the US to prevent President-Elect Donald Trump from taking power on January 20th. The attack on Los Angeles with directed energy weapons and UN-sponsored arsonists has already caused the largest fire in US history. You can be sure this is just the beginning. This means open warfare between the US military white hats and the KM owners of the mega-corporations has begun in earnest.

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Today is January 6th, 2025 and there will be a reckoning. Congress will gather for a constitutionally mandated session to certify President-elect Donald Trump's Electoral College victory. Since it is also the anniversary of the entrapment of US Patriots by the deep state, the January 6 political prisoners have launched a historical $50 Billion class action lawsuit against the Department of Justice.

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This is the choice Americans and people of the world now face. New evidence confirms the Biden administration was a Chinese-controlled government. That means the current Chinese leadership was complicit in the global mass murder by vaccine campaign that started in 2020 when Biden was installed as a Chinese proxy.

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The Western world is going through a paradigm shift as one version of reality shifts to another. Monotheistic people are herded along using a story written by a hidden elite. This story is enforced with violence, bribery, street theater (often involving real murder) and mass propaganda. What is happening is that the story tellers are losing the plot and the days of herding sheeple are coming to an end. This is what we mean about a new version of reality emerging.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Never have I seen as much disinformation and censorship in the Western information matrix as was spewed out last week by the Khazarian Mafia. They are trying to cover up a comprehensive defeat around the world. They have lost control of Syria, Israel, Europe, South Korea and many other countries around the world. They are now desperately circling the wagons around a fake Donald Trump at Mar-A-Largo. This group is using big tech companies to produce fake news and censor truth in order to try to create a fake reality.

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Sometimes, a decade's worth of news can happen in a single week. Last week was such a week. What is happening is a Western version of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Regimes are falling in Germany, France, the US, the UK, Japan, South Korea etc. In the coming weeks and months, many countries are likely to cease to exist, including South Korea, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia etc.

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Before we start our report we would like to ask our readers to support our Polish correspondent.

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The quarantine on the planet Earth is about to be lifted, according to Secret Space Program and Asian Secret Society sources. Humans will be allowed to explore and colonize other planets and the universe as soon as the final Satanic presence is removed from this world, the sources say. This came up at a meeting on Sunday between representatives of the White Dragon Society and Asian secret societies. Of course, as always is the case with such talk, believe it when you see it.

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The Satanic Khazarian mafia have revealed their hand. They have set up a fake Donald Trump at Mar a Largo and unveiled a fake cabinet filled with Zionist warmongers. Their plan is to try to use this fake government to seize power before January 20th and prevent the real Donald Trump from assuming the presidency. They are also trying desperately to start World War III yet again, this time by offering Ukraine long-range missiles to attack Russia with.

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Donald Trump needs to thank Jesus Christ for his election. In case you missed it 62% of Protestants and 56% of Catholics voted for Trump while 79% of Jews and 72% of atheists voted against him. This means Trump's mandate is to finish what Jesus Christ started.

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The election taking place tomorrow, November 5th, 2024 is no ordinary event as most of us are aware. It is interesting to note November 5th is the date of the gunpowder plot to blow up the entire English government. The mask of the man arrested for that plot; Guy Fawkes, is now a symbol of the resistance against the Khazarian mafia.

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We are all witnessing a revolution unfolding in real time on our various screens and in real life. This is no ordinary revolution; it is the fall of ancient Babylon. The human race is being freed after coming within a hair's breadth of becoming permanently enslaved in a giant animal farm run by a Satan-worshipping Babylonian cult. Their Talmud shows clearly how they see other human beings. It says they can murder, rape, cheat and enslave people who are not members of their tribe because the Goyim are sub-human animals.

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The world is headed for some sort of climactic event that will echo down through history and maybe even eternity. This is not hyperbole.

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Sometimes hundreds and even thousands of years of history unfold in a matter of weeks. Think of the sacking of Rome or the first unification of China. We are in such a moment now. The entire Western control matrix is collapsing and we are headed for some sort of climax.

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Truly biblical scale events continue as the Khazarian Mafia-controlled Western power structure implodes. The State of Israel has been decapitated, the Catholic Church is bankrupt and full-scale civil war has begun in the United States.

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