目前分類:造物主 (846)
- Aug 21 Sat 2021 00:00
- Aug 22 Tue 2017 11:09
【造物主】2017-8-21 偉大改變的日子
This amazing day of change has finally arrived, dear one! Some will be expected, others will not and some may take you completely by surprise.Regardless of what it, and the following weeks bring.it is all part of the grand plan of awakening your world to the Unconditional Love of The Universe.
- Jun 10 Sat 2017 11:19
【造物主】2017-6-5 在你之內
Expecting others to change to fit your needs, wants and desires is futile.The only thing you can truly change is what is within you.~ Creator
- Jun 10 Sat 2017 11:14
【造物主】2017-6-4 你切實想要的
The Universe has been designed to give you exactly what you need exactly when you need it. It may not necessarily by what you want in that moment but…there it is, looking you straight in the face with all its glory! (Smiling) These experiences are giving you the opportunity to change in ways you never expected. Embrace or release, the choice has always been yours.~ Creator
- Apr 23 Sun 2017 11:09
【造物主】2017-3-31 混亂與平和
As this new season begins,let us call your attention to what is and what mostly is not happening in your world.
- Apr 21 Fri 2017 12:38
【造物主】2017-4-18 擁抱它
You are your own beginning,middle and end.There is beauty in that simplicity.Embrace it!
- Apr 18 Tue 2017 14:48
【造物主】2017-4-7 吸入
Each moment is a blessing bestowed upon you by The Universe.Breathe it in, make it a part of you and know that nothing can take it away.
- Apr 17 Mon 2017 11:47
【造物主】2017-4-4 你是力量
You are a force of nature! Change your world!
- Apr 17 Mon 2017 11:46
【造物主】2017-4-4 歸向
When you take time and reach into the deep, quiet spaces in your mind new possibilities open on every level.Although it may feel foreign at first, surrender to the silence…and learn!
- Apr 15 Sat 2017 12:53
【造物主】2017-4-3 休息
During the resting phase after a large energy shift, the time will give you a moment to look at things differently.The old self may try to reestablish itself…including its doubts and fears in your abilities.Never fear, dear one, there must be a clearing before you can move forward.Stay positive and focused on the good that is to come and all will be well.
- Apr 14 Fri 2017 12:49
【造物主】2017-4-2 乘風破浪
There is something surreal and joyous about sitting on/riding the crest of a wave.The water has lifted you, like a feather, high into the air giving you a moment to look around.You can see the dips and swells, others riding their own crests and, hey, you may even take the time to wave to them as well !
- Apr 13 Thu 2017 12:50
【造物主】2017-4-1 聆聽
I hear you!(Smiling) You sit there wondering if you should begin something new, end something you perceive as old and boring or move toward a new future.I hear you! I hear your incessant inner chatter covering up My Voice, the one with the plan, the direction and motivation to point you in the right direction.Do not let fear(and that"annoying noise") keep you from hearing what you need to hear.I am here to assist you.
- Apr 12 Wed 2017 10:47
【造物主】2017-3-31 溫柔而甜蜜
Let your light radiate softly and sweetly from within.No anger, rage, resentment or hatred can withstand the Love of The Universe.
- Apr 10 Mon 2017 20:14
【造物主】2017-4-6 你的指導手冊
Now that the waves have finally subsided,you may be sitting there asking yourself,"What now? What do I do? Which direction should I move in?"
- Apr 10 Mon 2017 20:08
【造物主】2017-3-29 行過波浪
Breathe darling, just keep breathing.I know it is challenging at times to navigate the waves of negativity.Keeping your head up and focusing on the light is very best thing you can do for yourself.Remember, you are supported and loved beyond measure!
- Apr 09 Sun 2017 11:51
【造物主】2017-3-28 成為那個人...
As you move through your day,it is best to err on the side of kindness and compassion.Yes,there are those out there that may very well"push your buttons"and make you angry but,before you react,please stop and think.Are they saying something they truly mean? Do their actions"offend"you simply because they are another breathing being or is it a reflection of something you dislike in yourself ? Does their attitude make you uncomfortable or it is just the energy of the day?
- Apr 08 Sat 2017 17:31
【造物主】2017-3-27 觀點 vs 體悟
The idea of perfection is created by others.The knowing of perfection exists within.
- Apr 07 Fri 2017 12:45
【造物主】2017-3-26 愛
Give love,send love,receive love,become love and The Universe responds in kind.
- Apr 06 Thu 2017 11:59
【造物主】2017-3-24 愛的書信
Dearest One,I am glad you"ve chosen to continue when you did not feel like it.I am joyful that the persistent beating of your heart reminds you of why you are here.I am blessed by your faith and trust in The Universe even though there have been times when you felt like giving up.I am amazed by the tenacity that you show daily.I am in awe of your ability to push through the'tough stuff"and grow.Every day,you make me thankful you were created…you are loved beyond measure!