There is a great joy that comes from allowing your truest self to lead the way because it creates alignment and congruency within you.This takes you out of any resistance to yourself which only supports the unfoldment of your highest life expression.It is from that space of congruency that beingness naturally occurs,and when you allow yourself to navigate your life through your beingness,your life becomes incredibly satisfying because everything you choose to experience is an energetic match to who you really are.Simply put,being true to you emits such a pure and powerful broadcast of energy,magic can't help but happen.

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加拿大病毒免疫學家和拜拉姆·布裡德爾(Bryam Bridle),以及其他加拿大醫生和科學家們共同提出了他們對新冠疫苗安全性的各種擔憂。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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One of theprevalent traits of the transformational energies you are currently in is theopportunity to come to a place of peace with past trauma.

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Dizziness is acommon symptom of transformation.It can be felt when oldtemplates are dismantled and new systems and templates are in the process ofbeing anchored into your energetics.When you are in the process oftransitioning between the two you may feel somewhat untethered or confused anddizziness can occur.You may find grounding difficult in these in-betweenphases.

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Dear Ones,wewish to remind you that all movement is forward movement.We understand that you getconcerned about people's beliefs and choicesbecause you don't want them to make a wrongturn,but let us reassure you there is no such thing.

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