Listen to your heart.It has become a cliche to most of you that you really don't hear—just a common phrase that has little meaning.But we are here today to ask you to dust off that old expression and to really, truly begin to listen to your hearts.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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If you are unsure on how to proceed, it can be helpful to examine whether you are listening to your fear voice or your flow voice because only one can result in forward movement.

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We were recently asked,"How do I see us all as one when there is so much hurt and harm in the world?" We would like to address this today.

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Stillness holds the gifts of alignment, of integration, and is a reset point before movement resumes.It is the pause between the in breath and the out breath, a place of wisdom from where you can consider your next highest choice, a point of balance and potential.It is a magical, rejuvenative space that is always there for you to access whenever you choose, that acts as a portal to so much more.It is not designed for you to stay there forever, but rather a tool that allows you to connect to the energies of Home in order to receive any assistance you may require for your journey forward.It is one of the most empowering supports you have as an enlightening human being.

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Many enlightening human beings may find themselves either changing their service path or stepping into a service role for their first time.This is a very exciting thing! You will feel very passionate about the purpose that is calling you.

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