Many people are worried about the outcome of the US election. Light Forces have communicated that whoever becomes the president, it will not influence the overall plan for the planetary liberation. They have also asked people to release the emotional attachment and emotional investment in the outcome of this election, as generated energy of worry, anger, fear, frustration and uncertainty is gathered by the Archons, amplified and distributed through the planetary energy grid.

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Allowing your heart to flow you forward is the way to navigate the waters of the unknown.The heart always knows what is inclusive, what is supportive, what is expansive, what is your highest choice.

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Trying to surrender into the flow without letting go of fear and doubt is much like sitting in a boat expecting forward movement while you are still moored to the dock.You are ready to navigate the waters into the new through your mindfulness, your kindness, your gratitude, and your faith and trust.

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You are shifting profoundly right now and will continue to shift throughout the remainder of the year in preparation to step into the new energies of 2021.Allow your shifting to ebb and flow, trusting the rhythm of the universe to serve you.

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Gratitude is the tool that allows you to shift into a reciprocal love relationship with the universe.

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The mind gets anxious when it tries to lead the way without the grounded wisdom and guidance of the heart.

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A great many enlightening human beings find their way to their spiritual path through the dark night of the soul.The most chaotic, dark places always become too uncomfortable to stay in for a sustained period of time, and when it becomes clear that it is too painful to stay the same, the door opens for great and empowered change.

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Dear Ones, much is playing out in your collective.This is a time for gentleness.Gentleness for yourselves, gentleness for others.We wrap you up in our love and support and encourage you forward.In times of uncertainty all you must do is make your highest choice one now moment at a time.

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First of all, we would like to note the 2020 Halloween full blue moon really did look like a pumpkin.Aphotograph can be seen at the link below.

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