Dear Ones, you can feel gratitude and completely enjoy a buffet even if it contains some foods you don't care for.You understand that the variety is required in order to serve the needs of many different people.It is one of the places you flow with your energetic sovereignty, effortlessly focusing on what you like and leaving the rest behind without a second thought.
- Aug 05 Wed 2020 16:30
【大天使加百利】2020-8-4 專注於你喜歡的
- Aug 05 Wed 2020 16:29
【大天使加百利】2020-8-3 感恩是一種有力的能量分類工具
Many human beings think they have to wait for things to be ideal in order to fully practice gratitude.They do not wish to energetically lock in anything that is undesirable.
- Aug 05 Wed 2020 16:09
【大天使加百利】2020-8-2 相信並榮耀展開
Trusting and honouring the unfoldment is exactly how you allow your greatest outcomes to take on form for you.It is holding the space long enough for your dreams to have the support they need to start to manifest while also giving them room to continue to grow and fully express themselves.It is using your wisdom, along with the wisdom of the universe, to allow the continual development and expansion of your highest potentials.
- Aug 05 Wed 2020 16:08
【大天使加百利】2020-8-1 讓你衷心的夢想指引你
Your heartfelt dreams are the built in beacons of your life expression.Let them lead and guide you.
- Aug 05 Wed 2020 15:52
- Aug 05 Wed 2020 15:00
【柯博拉】2020-7-1 柯博拉以及喬瑟夫·麥克馬拉博士聯合訪談
- Aug 03 Mon 2020 15:34
- Aug 03 Mon 2020 15:30
- Aug 03 Mon 2020 15:26
My dear friends,we love you so very much,
- Aug 02 Sun 2020 15:19
- Aug 02 Sun 2020 15:09
【大天使加百利】2020-7-31 你最大的、最美好的夢想是什麼?
What is one of your biggest, fondest dreams? Do you hold yourself back from pursuing it because you think it is not possible? We encourage you to give every single one of those doubts UP.Hand them over over to be carried away and dissipated.Then surrender into your own unique experience of the dream.This allows an opening of possibility and the unfoldment of discovery.Hear us when we say every single one of your dreams exist for a purpose.Isn't it time to see where they are trying to lead you?
- Aug 02 Sun 2020 15:08
【大天使加百利】2020-7-30 尊重不同的流動階段並釋放受阻礙的想法
Dear Ones, you are not static beings, in fact, attempting to be so will only cause you discomfort.You are beings of movement, discovery, expansion, and flow.