We invite you to feel into the energy of change and your response to it.Many of you feel like change is scary, too much, unpredictable, or overwhelming.If you have those responses, feel into the energy of unfoldment instead.For most of you, it will feel calmer, gentler, more supported, and something you"d be much more comfortable embracing.
- Feb 08 Sat 2020 13:54
【大天使加百利】2020-2-6 改變的能量
- Feb 06 Thu 2020 12:26
- Feb 06 Thu 2020 12:14
- Feb 06 Thu 2020 12:10
【大天使加百利】2020-2-5 自我關懷
Dear Ones, self care is not one thing.It is a flow.Some days rest might be the best thing you can do for yourself.Other days your body might be craving movement.Both of these are requirements for integrating certain types of energies!
- Feb 06 Thu 2020 12:09
【大天使加百利】2020-2-4 通過心的指引和個人偏好前進
Dear Ones, as drivers of the shift you get to forge forward through your heart-centred guidance and personal preferences, creating new pathways that are in line with your authenticity and beingness.What energy do you wish to contribute to the whole that matches who you are today?
- Feb 04 Tue 2020 16:13
- Feb 04 Tue 2020 16:06
【大天使加百利】2020-2-3 包容就是你的力量所在
Dear Ones, what we want you to understand is inclusion is where your power is.You cannot create through exclusion because your continued focus is what keeps you tethered to a certain energy.
- Feb 04 Tue 2020 16:05
【大天使加百利】2020-2-2 展現真實的自己
Many of you are at the point of your evolutionary journey where you simply cannot stand anything that does not honour you in your truth.Trying to stay small or conform to please others or resist change is no longer an option.Your freedom of expression and truth is rapidly becoming as essential as air and water to you.Any ways you have been dragging your feet on addressing this can no longer be avoided.
- Feb 03 Mon 2020 15:30
【大天使加百利】2020-2-1 這是奇妙的時期
Who are you without your fear, without your wounds, without your old stories of lack or struggle? This is what you are in the process of discovering right now.The spaciousness or sensation of not knowing anything that many of you are experiencing is allowing you to get in touch with the deeper truth of who you truly are, your divine essence.
- Feb 01 Sat 2020 16:26
- Feb 01 Sat 2020 16:10
【大天使加百利】2020-1-31 讓你的熱情愉快地引領你前進
How can you create the safe space that allows your inner child to feel free to come to the forefront and connect you to the magic that abounds around you through its curiosity and wonder? What encouragement does that little you need? How long has it been waiting for you to acknowledge it and coax it out of hiding? If you are not having enough fun in your life, why not connect to the part of you whose specialties are fun, play, and presence, and let it joyfully lead the way?