- Jul 17 Wed 2019 13:53
- Jul 17 Wed 2019 13:48
【大天使加百利】2019-7-16 你正處於一個美麗的展開過程中
You are in a process of beautiful unfoldment.You are shifting profoundly and then discovering what is possible due to your new energetic states. You are releasing, receiving, and integrating, spiralling upwards into higher vibrational states in the most wondrous ways. By instinctively moving with it all you are experiencing yourself as part of the divine flow. What a glorious experience for you to have and for us to see! Savour and explore all of it, Dear Ones, for it is a sacred, profound, and beautiful expression of your soul's greatest desire and highest purpose.
- Jul 16 Tue 2019 13:36
- Jul 16 Tue 2019 13:27
- Jul 16 Tue 2019 13:26
【大天使加百利】2019-7-15 同情心
Compassion is seeing through the lens of love and understanding. It is what allows you to approach those who are having a difficult time with a soft, soothing energy that doesn't get triggered or judge. In times of intensity, compassion is what holds the space until a greater sense of balance can be found. It is a wonderful approach not only for others, but for yourselves as well, as you move through unprecedented energies during these times of transformation.
- Jul 15 Mon 2019 13:37
- Jul 15 Mon 2019 13:34
【天使】2019-7-13 善待彼此
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Jul 15 Mon 2019 13:33
【大天使加百利】2019-7-14 臣服於流動
Love and flow are the same things. Love is allowing the universe to flow through you. It is expanding your knowing of self and your experiences by allowing your own highest alignment to lead the way. Love is the great connector and leader. Being the love is expressing yourself as the beloved and essential part of the whole you have always been.
- Jul 14 Sun 2019 11:11
- Jul 14 Sun 2019 11:04
- Jul 14 Sun 2019 11:03
【大天使加百利】2019-7-13 允許自己成為自身的專家
Dear Ones, allow your beliefs to evolve as you continue along your enlightenment journey.Don't be afraid to let your own divine truth to lead the way. You are shifting at a very rapid pace right now, accessing more and more of the entirety of who you are. This means you can easily discern what is empowering and right for you.
- Jul 13 Sat 2019 11:38
【大天使加百利】2019-7-12 向當下時刻敞開
Presence is a state of openness to the now moment.It is acknowledging the gifts and supports that are already in place for you. It is a portal that supports your expansion and a deeper knowing of self by connecting you with your divine truth and the full acceptance of how the energies are serving you. It is the experience of the power of your beingness and what exists when you shift beyond the stories of your mind. It is finding another whole world of wonder that has been there the entire time, just waiting to be discovered.