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Flow is, simply put, Following Love Over Will.

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If you are wishing to draw a straight line, the most important factor is to keep your eye on the target mark. By doing so, all your body's systems will work together to cooperate in reaching that final destination. There is no real thought involved with the motion itself, rather, it is an act of faith and trust that all will come together and do their individual jobs to make it happen. You choose the goal and move into the action of unfoldment to reach it. You might make an adjustment or two on the way, but you will reach your target in a fairly direct fashion.

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In historic move, P2 Freemasons—the Black Sun worshipers—sue for peace

Benjamin Fulford, 3 December, 2018

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Today we would like to offer you an analogy that will help you better understand the energies of 2018 into 2019.

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物理學家霍金 (Stephen Hawking)生前曾警告人類,不要主動找尋外星人的蹤影,否則可能引來難以想像的災難。不過天文學家日前透過追蹤,發現了一種強烈訊號「快速電波爆發」(fast radio bursts,FRB),他們推測,這可能是外星人特意向地球發送的訊息,目的就是為了想與地球做接觸。

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2018 has been a year of complete and total transformation. 2019 is the bridge of increasing clarity about what that transformation means for you, which will lead you to the year 2020, the year of perfect vision.

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