Dear Ones, coming through a corridor of transformation such as you have experienced over the past several months is much like being a rock in a tumbler. It's very intense when you are in it and it can be difficult to get your bearings or have a true sense of what things will look like when you are done. But when you emerge, you are beautifully polished like never before. Your rough edges are removed, and you feel smoother and more comfortable.

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一個多月前,一名阿根廷的網友Marcelo Irazusta使用Google的搜索工具Google Moon在月球表面發現一個奇怪的結構體,令一些外星迷感到不可思議,UFO獵人相信,這是一座金字塔型的外星基地!

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Many of you have negative connotations attached to the idea of change. We invite you to substitute the word change with evolution. You understand the process of evolution moves you forward in new and improved ways that are always better and designed to support you. When you look at it that way, there really isn't much to resist, is there?

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The world is about to learn about Khazarian mafia crimes horrific beyond imagination

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Sacred sexuality will be something many of you explore as you heal beyond the wounds of abuse.

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