- Jun 28 Thu 2018 10:25
- Jun 28 Thu 2018 10:12
【大天使加百利】2018-6-26 發展新能力的過程
Dear Ones, stepping into being a co-creator is thrilling and exhilarating. It can also feel scary and stressful at times until you develop an even deeper level of faith and trust in the process of unfoldment and staying open to the energies of the unknown. Be kind and gentle with yourselves! You are developing a new skill set.
- Jun 27 Wed 2018 11:49
- Jun 27 Wed 2018 11:44
【大天使加百利】2018-6-25 為自己創造一個內在的療癒空間
Emotional healing is at the forefront of your evolution as you continue to move forward in your transformation process. Many of you are becoming more and more aware of the importance of honouring your feelings, particularly those that have not been addressed that are connected to core wounds that are seeking healing.
- Jun 27 Wed 2018 11:22
【本傑明·富爾福德】2018-6-25 新聞快訊
Western civilization continues to implode as old paradigms cease to function
- Jun 27 Wed 2018 11:06
【麥田圈】2018-6-20 英國威爾特郡「魔鬼巢穴」邊的七角星麥田圈
- Jun 27 Wed 2018 10:55
【麥田圈】2018-6-17 英國威爾特郡鄰近巨石陣的麥田圈
- Jun 26 Tue 2018 11:11
God said:
- Jun 26 Tue 2018 10:57
- Jun 26 Tue 2018 10:55
【大天使加百利】2018-6-24 臣服於幸福的體驗
When you are trying hard to be positive, you are not quite there. The fact that you are trying and forcing indicates you are not able to access the space you desire, that you are seeing it as outside of yourself. You move into alignment not by forcing, but by flowing.
- Jun 25 Mon 2018 10:58
【天使】2018-6-23 向愛敞開
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Jun 25 Mon 2018 10:57
【大天使加百利】2018-6-23 殊途同歸
Dear Ones, there are many different paths to enlightenment but ultimately they all bring you to the same place – acknowledging and shining the love that you are. How you get to that state of acceptance is entirely up to you.