- Oct 04 Sun 2015 14:35
- Oct 04 Sun 2015 14:31
【大天使加百利】2015-10-3 天堂就是與你的神性重聚
Many of you have grown up with the concepts of heaven and hell being a large part of your religious teachings.From our perspective,hell is,simply put,the denial of your own divinity,and heaven is the reunion with the divinity that you are,and have always been.Moving into that truth while still in the body could then be considered experiencing heaven on earth,which is exactly what is anchoring and driving the grand shift on your planet.
- Oct 04 Sun 2015 14:28
【天使的智慧】2015-10-2 看到改變的禮物
See the gifts of Change
- Oct 04 Sun 2015 14:23
【造物主】2015-10-2 你的願望,我的命令
Only you can give you a sense of completeness.Look within yourself and ask,「What am I lacking」,then ask Me for it.Your wish is my command.
- Oct 04 Sun 2015 14:21
許多生活因子都與有損記憶的失智症有關。吸煙、飲食、缺乏運動及維生素 B含量不足都是造成美國第六大死因的因素。過去的研究已經證實,中年體重過重會增加罹患阿茲海默症的風險;刊載於《神經》期刊的研究則發現,體重過輕(經由身體質量指數測量)也是罹患這種具破壞性失智症的強力因素。因此,不論年齡,維持適當體重都是降低阿茲海默症風險的要素。
- Oct 03 Sat 2015 14:18
- Oct 03 Sat 2015 14:10
【SaLuSa】2015-10-2 人類的覺醒正在擴散
You have just passed the 28th.September,a significant date because a number of events were either coming to a conclusion or reaching a peak.It did not impact itself upon you but in general terms has as you say 」raised the bar」,but as time passes many of you will begin to notice significant changes.Clearly the higher vibrating energies cannot help but bring changes about.Although your Press is controlled and you do not get to read all of the important news,you will nevertheless note that the awakening of Humanity is spreading.You now question what is taking place on Earth rather than automatically accept what is placed before you.You are beginning to awaken to the truth of your existence,and see beyond the lies that are often presented to you as the truth.
- Oct 03 Sat 2015 14:04
【大天使加百利】2015-10-2 每個人都是充裕的
Using other people's successes or abundance to amplify your feelings of lack amounts to holding your breath because you can see other people breathing.There is more than enough for everyone,Dear Ones,and if success is around you it is because it is aligning with you,too.
- Oct 03 Sat 2015 14:02
【大天使加百利】2015-10-1 專注的選擇
Dear Ones,every day you get to choose what you will place your focus upon.What are you looking for evidence of today? Is it lack and what is unwanted? Or is it love and the abundance of things that are wonderful that exist all around you? Your focus is your magnifier,your agreement,your blessing.A mindful human being honours the sacred power of their attention and is wisely selective of what they gift their focus to,because through that act is a choice of continuation.
- Oct 03 Sat 2015 13:58
【天使的智慧】2015-10-1 設定健康的邊界
Setting healthy boundaries
- Oct 03 Sat 2015 13:53
【造物主】2015-10-1 你的動機是什麼
What motivates you? Today,you are invited to take a very close look at your perceptions and how they influence your everyday decisions. Are you motivated by chaos,fear,discomfort or loss? Or…are you motivated by love and joy? Allow yourself to look at your inner patterns and programming,see what you can stand to change and change it. Free will is yours.
- Oct 03 Sat 2015 13:47