- Sep 28 Mon 2015 19:00
- Sep 27 Sun 2015 17:31
- Sep 27 Sun 2015 17:30
【SaLuSa】2015-9-25 你們正處在偉大覺醒的期間
Dear Ones,what an important and exciting time has arrived,when many of you will be able to feel the upliftment resulting from the incoming level of energies.Those of you who do will know beyond doubt that the changes are beginning to bring about welcome changes. You only have to look around you to see that in the midst of them is evidence of changes for the better.Very soon you will have had even more evidence of them,and it will become quite clear as to the direction that Humanity is going in.There will of necessity be a clearing out of the old that no longer serves you,but at the same time the new energies will become established.The Illuminati will make their last attempt to keep on their chosen path but it will be to no avail,as their power has been seriously curtailed by the Galactic Forces that surround the Earth.So have no fear as all is progressing well but be patient as all benefits will come in good time—you are in the period of the Great Awakening.
- Sep 27 Sun 2015 17:16
【大天使加百利】2015-9-26 擁抱你的神性、你的真理
Dear Ones,your true essence,your beingness,is the greatest gift you can give yourself,others,and your planet.It is through embracing your divinity,your truth,that you support and anchor the beautiful alignment between Source energy and earth.That creates a stabilization and balance that serves the whole.Do you see? It has never been about doing,it has always been about being,and your beingness is so spectacular,so authentically powerful,that it is driving the profound shift on your planet in these right Now moments.That is how magnificent you are.
- Sep 27 Sun 2015 17:14
【天使的智慧】2015-9-24 你被支持著
You are Supported
- Sep 27 Sun 2015 17:11
【天使的智慧】2015-9-25 選擇伴隨著愛去看
Choose to See with Love
- Sep 27 Sun 2015 17:08
【造物主】2015-9-26 鼓勵的低語
Through every moment of doubt,remorse,regret,pain and loneliness,The Universe is whispering in your ear,「Yes,this will be over soon,you will be fine and it is going to be fine」.
- Sep 27 Sun 2015 17:07
【造物主】2015-9-24 被真理蒙蔽?
If you allow yourself to become blinded by your truth and unable to see another's point of view,you will often miss the reality around you.
- Sep 27 Sun 2015 17:03
- Sep 25 Fri 2015 18:31
- Sep 25 Fri 2015 18:26
【天使的智慧】2015-9-23 注意自己的想法
Watch your Thoughts
- Sep 25 Fri 2015 18:25
【造物主】2015-9-23 同等重要
Placing importance on any one thing above another cancels and deletes the work you have done on your whole self. All aspects of you are equally important.