對我們和對維幕兩邊指導靈最常問,不,最普遍的問題是:「我在正確的路上嗎?」 第二問是:「我應該做什麼?」 今天我們想花一點時間釐清這點。

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When you fall into worry,you have assumed a position of powerlessness,feeling that life is something that happens to you that you cannot control.Worry is simply an indicator that you are out of alignment.It is also an indicator that you are in the unknown of the future,rather than in the Now moment,which is where you do all of your conscious creation from.

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Have Patience

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The signs are undeniable that some sort of historic event is imminent.The latest economic news makes it certain that the Western financial system as we know it is about to end.The question is,will there be a controlled implosion followed by a phoenix like revival or,will there be revolution,chaos,anarchy,bloodshed and misery.The answer now lies in the hands of the military forces of the West because the political world,especially in the United States,is dysfunctional.

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There is an amazing thing that happens to enlightening human beings.The more you embrace who you really are,the more irresistible people find you.Your true emanation is magnetic and delightful.

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Keep Hope Alive in your Heart

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