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Bush,Rothschild prosecutions,new disclosures,Greece,all signs of accelerating cabal take down

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The signs are undeniable that some sort of historic event is imminent.The latest economic news makes it certain that the Western financial system as we know it is about to end.The question is,will there be a controlled implosion followed by a phoenix like revival or,will there be revolution,chaos,anarchy,bloodshed and misery.The answer now lies in the hands of the military forces of the West because the political world,especially in the United States,is dysfunctional.

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The leaders of the Group of Seven Industrialized Nations or G7 are holding an emergency meeting in Germany in a futile attempt to avoid their inevitable bankruptcy.The leaders talk about Greece,the Ukraine,China,the Middle East and other matters as if somehow they are still in control.The leaders need to understand that there is a thing out there called reality and,no matter how long you try to avoid it,it has a way of catching up to you.

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There are growing signs that world events will be allowed to simmer away until this autumn when there may finally be revolution in the West and an end to cabal rule.In fact,it is the moral duty of all aware people to make sure this happens and the West is freed from Babylonian style debt slavery.

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Sometimes news seems to repeat itself.Sometimes news seems to repeat itself.If this sounds repetitive it is repetitive.That is because many recent news events can be summarized in a few repeating patterns: Greece threatens to default,the Ukraine threatens to default,the US runs out of money again,there is another fake mass shooting event in the US(this time Waco),China and Japan say slightly different things about each other's history then military pilots fly to obscure islands and wave the finger at each other,Shias,Sunnis,Jews and Western mercenaries pretending to be Muslim extremists do bad things or are victims of bad things,North Korea shoots off a missile,etc.Etc.

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A representative of the G7 group of nations has been approached with a proposal by the Khazarian mafia banking community to"repurpose their funds for the benefit of humanity,"in exchange for"amnesty for certain Jewish bankers."Russia and"certain foundations"would be involved in this plan,the source said.

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The world is headed for some turbulence over the coming months as part of the final removal of the Khazarian mafia from control of the Western financial system, multiple sources, including Japanese government, MI5 and pentagon officials say.

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Chaos is increasing inside the United States as the US Khazarian controlled faction of the Federal Reserve Board continues to be shunned by most of the world.In response,the Khazarians are desperately trying to provoke race riots or otherwise get arms bearing US citizens to fight the US armed forces and police.At the same time,the US armed forces and agencies are moving against both Israel and their US based Khazarian proxies,notably the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller crime family.

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The bankruptcy of the West was postponed again last week with fudged accounting keeping both Washington D.C.and Greece(therefore the EU)from defaulting as high stakes negotiations over a new financial system continue.

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The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION based in the Washington D.C.extra-territorial enclave inside the Republic of the United States of America failed to make a payment on March 31st and was given until April 17th to come up with the goods but was unable to,according to Chinese government and CIA sources.For that reason the US corporate government has gone bankrupt,the sources say.However,the folk in Washington do not plan to go quietly and are still fighting to survive.

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Former US Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair works for Japanese gangsters

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A meeting last week between a representative of the Chinese Communist Government and of the White Dragon Family ended badly after the Chinese stated their goal was to take over control of the planet.They were told the Chinese account for at most a fifth of the world"s population so the best they could hope for was one fifth if world power.

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Proposal for world federation has now been passed on to key power centers

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Khazarian Satanists shake their fists in fury as control of the financial system slips out of their hands

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Big public announcements and news events make it clear Khazarian rule is ending

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Historical black swan event imminent

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There is a dangerous leadership vacuum at the highest levels of power inside the G7 nations as financial collapse looms.There will be economic collapse,mass starvation,anarchy and civil war unless the system is totally rebooted.On the flip side,if the system is rebooted,living standards in the world"s countries can be doubled within a year.The key is to free the nations of the world from Babylonian debt slavery.For those who do not understand this reality,check out this link:

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The lunar year of the horse went out with a bang last week with an unprecedented Pentagon move to put CIA headquarters in Langley,Virginia under lockdown.The raid on the CIA was,「among other things"aimed at locating the three rogue nukes the Zionazis have threatened to explode in the Ukraine,Pentagon sources say.Furthermore,the nuclear weapon headed for Stanlingrad(now Volvograd)has been seized by the Russians,the sources say.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The world revolution against cabal rule and Babylonian style debt slavery continues to unfold,leaving Europe and the Middle East in turmoil.The Greeks made the boldest move last week when they kicked out the cabal slave government and elected a government promising to end debt slavery.The Russians were not far behind when they took of the gloves and began a full scale military campaign against the cabal mercenary army in Eastern Ukraine.Also,the cabal slave government in Yemen,located next to Saudi Arabia"s oil fields,was overthrown last week just as Saudi King Abdullah died.

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