目前分類:天使 (3542)

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How much more deeply would you love if you knew without doubt that you would not be hurt? It is a simple question to help you identify how you may still be holding yourself back.Remember,Dear Ones,partial energy begets partial results.BE the love you are.Allow it to flow through you and to you,wholly,completely,deliciously,for that is the greatest joy you can experience as a human being.

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Take a deep breath

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,if you haven't been being true to yourselves,how can you expect the universe to respond to your emanations in a way that is satisfying to you? It is like holding the vibration of apples while desiring oranges.The fastest way to a life that is truly a reflection of who you really are is to shine brightly,clearly,and gloriously in your unique truth and energy,and from that pure expression of self,you will draw to you your perfect matches and experiences.

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There is beauty in Simplicity

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,what advice would you want the world"s youth to take to heart? Would you want them to love,or to fear love? Would you want them to unify,or separate? Would you want to follow their passions or sacrifice and live a life of drudgery? Would you want them to live a life full of joy or one of denying self? Would you want them to embrace freedom and self expression or constrain and control them? Would you want to model to them the beauty of growth and expansion or the density of fear,doubt and stagnation?

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Finding your place and living in harmony

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,if you are seeking peace,the way to find it is through acceptance and allowing.Acceptance is the demonstration of your deep faith that the universe is always unfolding for your highest good,even if you are not understanding all the details yet.Allowing honours the complete capability of each soul to have the exact experiences they need for their own growth and expansion.

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Finding Peace

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Some people may be finding themselves in what we call the pregnant pause—a time when you know something is manifesting but you haven't quite seen the fruits of your labour yet.We understand that being in a lull can seem quite uncomfortable,but it is actually an energetic pocket that is filled with opportunity for you.

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Stay on your present path,as it will take you far indeed.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There is a conditioning that exists in many of you that has been reinforced by many generations of your ancestors.This was the us vs them mindset,that was created by the suffering of the masses and was perpetuated by those who were using power to keep people disempowered.People bonded together by their lack,by their victim consciousness,by their discomfort.It became a means of unity within separation,a way of connecting,that people sought to find comfort from.

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You are have only just begun

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What if you turned your inner critic into your inner cheerleader? What if you chose to encourage yourself to shine and thrive? How much more would you experience? How much more satisfaction would you have in your life? Dear Ones,it is just as easy to be your own loving parent,your own loving guide,your own uplifter,as it is to be your own abuser,but the results are so much more satisfying,and much more in line with the truth of who you really are.It is time to become the safest,most loving person in the world to yourself,and create the perfect environment for you to grow and bloom into your greatest expression of self.

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You are a Limitless Being

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

As you move through the changes that accelerated energies often bring,you may find yourself on the brink of making life changing decisions.If you do not quite know what to do yet,it is perfectly fine to decide not to make any big decisions for the time being.Stay open.Surrender.Ask for clarity on how to proceed for your highest good and know that the flow will always bring it to you.Make your alignment and truth your top priorities to support you in connecting into that deeper knowingness.The answers will always come,Dear Ones,to help you navigate your life in a way that best honours everyone involved.

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You have the talents and the skills

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If appreciation is the way to nurture your love relationships,would it not make sense that appreciation for yourself is a vital part of self love,as well? What if you actually stopped being so hard on yourselves and started acknowledging and celebrating all the things about you that are so amazing and beautiful?

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In any situation you are presented with,the best thing you can do is to first ensure that you are in your highest alignment and balance.From there,the way to proceed will become very apparent to you,and any decisions will be made from a place of mindfulness,love,and empowerment for all.Balance and love are always the great stabilizers.

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Dream Big

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Endings lead to New Beginnings

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