Help Each Other 互相幫忙
Always Tell the Truth 總是說真話
Share 與人分享
Do Your Best 凡事盡力
Pay with Hugs and Kisses 多用抱抱和親親的方式付出
Listen to Your Parents 聽從父母
Laugh at Yourself 懂得取笑自己
Say I Love You 說我愛你
Try New Things 嘗試新事物
Be Thankful 凡事感謝
Show Compassion 心存憐憫
Be Happy 凡事快樂
Love Each Other 彼此相愛
Dream Big 懷抱遠大夢想
Respect One Another 彼此尊重
Laugh Out Loud 開懷大笑
Keep Your Promises 遵守承諾
Say Please and Thank You 說"請"和"謝謝"
Be Grateful 心存感恩
Think of Others before Yourself 先想到別人再想到自己
Use Kind Words 多說好話
Know You are Loved 知道你是被愛著的
Hug Often 多多擁抱