
A new Window of Opportunity will open on the surface of this planet. This Window of Opportunity will mean an increased probability for the Event, although it will not yet be the most probable time. Within this Window of Opportunity, a solar magnetic field reversal will happen. Scientific studies of professor ​​Tchijevsky have determined that 80% of important societal changes happen within 2.5 years before or after the solar cycle maxima:

The Window will open with a penumbral lunar eclipse on October 18th. This lunar eclipse will tr​​igger an acceleration of clearing of all remaining non-physical negative entities from folds of distorted etheric space and this clearing process might get pretty intense.

On November 1st, we will have another Pluto-Uranus square when a powerful dynamic tension will be released. This will be the most probable time of resolution of the US government shutdown and a favorable outcome is likely.

On November 3rd, there will be a hybrid total solar eclipse with a path of totality over Congo. This solar eclipse will begin to heal the anomaly which was created at the time of the Congo Archon invasion in 1996.

The turning point of this Window of Opportunity will be the activati​​on of the AI​​ON portal on November 23rd, 2013. Due to the importance of that portal I will dedicate a separate blog post to it.
2013年11月23 AION門戶的啟動將會成為此機會之窗的轉折點。由於該門戶的重要性,我將為此摘寫一篇單獨的文章說明。

Then on November 28th, comet ISON will reach its perihelion. It is quite likely that this comet will put a nice display on our skies. And no, it is not a spaceship. Its energy serves as a trigger for the masses to extend their consciousness beyond the quarantine Earth.

This Window of Opportunity will close on December 25th, 2013.



翻譯: Ck
校稿: Share Light


PS由於Cobra的英文名字翻譯應該是譯音,而不是譯義(如Mr.Fox應該是譯成“福克斯先生”,而非“狐狸先生”) ,另外華人社會及某些光工對“ 眼鏡蛇”這個詞普遍存著負面的印象(集體意識場中的負面印記),因此為減少事件傳遞時因名稱(眼鏡蛇)造成的不必要的誤解,華人區事件聯合行動團隊將於10/16日起,全部採用“柯博拉”為翻譯名字,若有不便,敬請見諒!(柯博拉與電影“變形金剛”的隊長柯博文一樣,都是我們真正的地球盟友)


註1:“柯博拉(Cobra)” : 是昴宿星人轉世到地球的某個人類,Cobra為其代號(由compression breakthrough”壓縮突破”而來)。其與昴宿星人一直有面對面的直接接觸,他/她是抵抗運動​​官方的公開聯絡人。抵抗運動是一群居住在地殼上部的地下住宅中的自由鬥士。他們與喜馬拉雅山脈裡面和博拉博拉島下面的昴宿星人地下基地有著頻繁的身體接觸。抵抗運動的重要目的之一就是要加速黑暗勢力(陰謀集團)的移除及逮捕。藉由抵抗運動於地面下往上放射的光與天空中銀河聯邦往下放射的光,共同夾擠地表的黑暗勢力(陰謀集團),即稱為”壓縮突破”。

註2: 什麼是【事件】:【事件】並不局限於陰謀集團的大規模逮捕,它更是一個多維度的觸發事件,將引領人類開始進入那等待已久的黃金時代的進程。隨著黑暗勢力的移除,人類將能夠共同創造自己的未來。



感謝一切~歡迎轉載~ NAMASTE


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