The Greys have been creating problems for your government ever since their first downed craft was discovered in the New Mexico desert in 1947. The creatures you found (for that is what you considered them) both horrified and mystified you. The authorities were immediately notified and the few civilians present were ordered to be silent. The Air Force whisked away the remains of the fallen craft and its inhabitants, one of which was still alive. A special task force was organized to examine the findings and give recommendations. The one surviving extraterrestrial was taken to a laboratory and kept under strict supervision day and night, where after some years it succumbed to an unknown illness. This was your first encounter with the Greys.
Other governments have had some encounters with the Greys, but none so far-reaching or complex as yours. The United States is the only government that has had ongoing communication with the Greys, including a treaty, which has turned out to be a sham. Other governments have merely encountered the Greys and other extraterrestrials briefly, and kept reports on these meetings and other sightings.
The Greys are more interested in the United States than in other countries because it sees the United States as the most powerful nation. They are right about that, but they have underestimated your intelligence and your love for freedom. If it were not for their advanced technology, you would be a formidable foe. Their technology is not nearly as powerful as they would like you to think, however.
Your government doesn’t know what to do about the Greys. It has had relations with them for over forty years, during which time several administrations have come and gone. Each administration during those years has known something about the Greys, the treaty with them, and the history of your relationship with them. However, over the years, continuity has been lost, facts have been confused, and now no one knows the entire story. This along with the Greys’ lies has made this situation less and less manageable over the years. The ones in charge of this no longer know what the truth is, since none of them were around for the initial recoveries and treaty. What has happened is a little like “Pass the Secret,” where no one in the end knows what the secret was.
你們的政府不知道怎麼處理小灰人。(你們的政府)已經與他們維持關係四十多年了,在這期間,不同的政府上台又下台。這些年間,每一屆政府關於小灰人都知道一些:與他們的條約,以及你們與他們之間的關係的歷史。不過,這些年來,連續性被丟失了,事實被混淆了,而導致現在沒有人知道這整個的故事。這些與小灰人的謊言一道,在這些年來,已經讓這種局面越來越不容易管理。具體負責這些的人們已經不知道什麼才是真實的,因為他們沒有一個人參與了最初的(飛船)回收以及條約。到底發生了什麼有點像是「傳遞秘密的遊戲(Pass the Secret)」,沒有一個最末尾的人會知道秘密是什麼。
This is fine with the Greys. The longer they can keep their activities secret and keep you in a state of confusion and division, the better. They are trying to back your government into a corner so that it will do something drastic, like detonate a nuclear device. By locating in the United States, they hope that you will destroy your country while trying to protect yourselves from them. They don’t want the government to tell the public about them because they believe they can incite those heading this secret operation to attack them.
The Greys believe the likelihood of you destroying yourselves is less if the public knows about them. They know many people are communicating with the positive extraterrestrials, whom they realize are their real challenge. The Greys don’t want you to have any information about them that would foil their plan, and there are plenty of people who could expose the Greys and their deceptions—if people believed them. The Greys realize that time is limited before the positives come forward and expose them. They only hope they can create so much confusion before then that no one will listen to the positives when this does happen. That is their hope. However, they are not taking something into account—something that will win your trust, something we cannot tell you about yet.
The Greys have allies helping them, primarily the negative Orions and their Men in Black. These two groups have been communicating with each other and supporting each other’s moves throughout these forty years. However, they have only been cooperating because it has been expedient. If that changes, they will begin fighting with each other. This has already happened several times during their so-called alliance, with a few casualties on each side. They are not opposed to killing each other if they think someone among them is interfering with their goals.
小灰人有同盟們在幫助他們,主要是負面的獵戶座人以及他們的黑衣人(Men in Black)。這兩個團體在這40年間一直都在互相聯繫並且互相支持對方的行動。不過,他們只是出於對雙方都方便,所以才會合作的。如果這一點改變了,那麼他們就會開始互相開戰。這在他們所謂的聯盟期間已經發生過好幾次了,(那時)他們每一方都有一些傷亡。他們並不反對互相殘殺,如果他們認為他們中有一些人在干涉他們的目標的話。
The Greys and the Orions are a mismatch. They work awkwardly together because they come from very different cultures. The Orions try to dominate everyone, which has caused considerable problems in working as a unit. On the other hand, the Greys are used to functioning as one body. Because of these cultural differences, the Greys see the Orions as disorganized and unreliable, while the Orions see the Greys as easily manipulated sheep. However, the Greys have their own brand of leadership. It is leadership by the whole in their own unique, mystifying way. Operating in unison as they do is a contradiction in terms for service-to-self, but they do it.
Because of their differences, the Greys and the Orions are not getting along well on this mission. The dissension among them is rendering their operation ineffective. Neither has even tried to understand each other or make use of the others' good qualities. Ironically, the Greys and the Orions don't see themselves as ineffectual nor do they recognize their insufficiencies. This makes them all the more vulnerable to failure.
The Greys also are vulnerable physically. Greys who have been on Earth for any length of time have had their life spans drastically reduced, and some have already died as a result. The others, who are circling the Earth in spacecraft, number only in the thousands, not the tens of thousands. How they think they can enslave you with so few and so little ability to sustain themselves on Earth is a wonder. This can only be explained by the nature of service-to-self, which is egocentric, naive, and lacking in a sense of personal vulnerability. The Greys' behavior can only be understood when you realize they are like children psychologically.
Like children, they are incapable of seeing life from someone else's perspective. More advanced beings understand this and don't expect them to operate otherwise, just as you would not expect a child to act like an adult. More advanced beings don't feel at odds with self-servers. They understand this level of development and want to help them. We mention this so that you can begin to see them for what they are, not for what they think they are. They are not a serious threat to you.
Self-servers can only enslave those inclined toward victimization. Certainly some in your population are so inclined, but humanity as a whole is not. Your country in particular honors independence, freedom, fairness, and equality—all values abhorrent to service-to-self. So the United States is the least likely to fall to service-to-self aggressors, yet, it is the one with whom they have established relations.
They have only gotten as far as they have because they have been playing on your fear and your belief in violence as a solution to problems. They are mirroring your own aggressiveness and frightening you with it. Their tactics are not actually like yours; they do not conquer with weapons. They are pretending they do because they know this is what you are afraid of and what you expect from an enemy. They are playing your game and scaring you with it. Their game, however, is more subtle and insidious. They are playing that game too.
They conquer through fear: they dominate others by arousing their fears. Therefore, they study what causes fear within a race and then use that against them. They understand that fear is the real weapon. You learned that, too, during the recent Cold War. What you may not have realized is that you could have won the Cold War even if the opposition had only believed you had those weapons. Neither side had any way of knowing for certain what weapons the other had or how many, so deception would have worked as well as stockpiling weapons. At least deception would not have drained your economy, which has become a liability for you. The Greys are not unintelligent, even if they are egocentric!