Abductions are the most controversial type of contact. They have been called abductions because of how you experience them. However, every person ever abducted has given his or her permission on a soul level. Therefore, from a higher perspective, “abduction” is not the right word; “fulfillment of an agreement” would be more accurate. Nevertheless, we'll continue to use this term, since you are used to it.
Most abductions are for advancing the extraterrestrials' understanding of Earth life and human beings, and for retrieving genetic material for their work. Abductions never happen without a purpose. The same could be said about the other types of contact: When UFOs or extraterrestrials reveal themselves or allow themselves to be seen, it is always for a reason.
As many of you are aware, some abductions are for retrieving DNA or eggs, or for inseminating a female. This is part of the genetic engineering between your species and the Zetas, who are trying to save their race and ensure the human race's preservation, should human beings destroy themselves through nuclear holocaust. They are saving your sperm and ova and other genetic material to ensure your re-creation in case you need to be duplicated sometime. They are doing this out of love and concern for the human race.
They also are creating a hybrid race from their own genetic material and yours to help them regain the ability to reproduce and adapt, which they have lost. If you recall, the Zetas poisoned their world and were forced to adapt to underground life, where they lost the ability to reproduce sexually. They want to go backwards in time genetically. They have come to you because your genetics are their lost genetics.
They also are studying you because if they are to become more like you through genetic engineering, they need to understand your emotions. Through genetic engineering, they eliminated their emotional responses because they believed then that their emotions caused the destruction of their planet. However, this made it harder for them to evolve, since the design for humanoid growth in this sector of the universe is to evolve via the emotions. In doing this, they eradicated the means by which their species evolves. They didn't realize [that] their unchecked intellectual development, or [rather] intellectual development unmatched by spiritual development, was the real culprit.
You could say that every mistake the Zetas made was a result of intellectual development without spiritual understanding. They were playing God even with themselves, and they discovered they were not up to the task. They have learned a great deal since then. Therefore, they have come to give you a most urgent message: Don't make the mistakes we did. They see you as themselves long ago. They see you might make the same choices they did. They fervently hope you don't.
As part of their study of you, they are studying your glandular secretions, since they are tied to emotions in your species. They now understand the relationship between the body and the emotions, but how the emotions work interpersonally remains a mystery to them, and one fraught with discomfort. They are very uncomfortable with your emotions. Deeply imbedded within them is the judgment that emotions are primitive and destructive. This is something they will have to overcome as a race if they are to regain the benefits of being emotive.
The Zetas are mere shadows of yourselves, although highly intelligent ones. This is clear to those of you who have met them. They are efficient, emotionless, and unindividuated. What you'll gain from meeting them is an appreciation for the human population's diversity. After meeting them, you'll find it easier to celebrate your differences.
The extraterrestrials also are studying the damage you have done to the Earth and its ecology. With certain tests, they are gauging the seriousness of the damage. This is essential in understanding the future effects of this damage and what it will take to return the environment to a healthier state. Your scientists are not the only ones who cannot agree on how serious the damage is. Extraterrestrials and others guiding your planet also cannot agree. Some think you have doomed the planet to centuries of repair, while others are confident the Earth will mend more quickly than that. One thing is certain: The next century will demand significant adaptations by human beings, flora, and fauna.
The most serious danger is yet to come, since it relates to global warming and the loss of the Earth's protective ozone layer. The holes in the ozone, apparent even now, will not shrink nor global warming be curtailed until you drastically reduce your production of CFC's, reforest your planet, and stop using fossil fuels, none of which will happen soon enough to prevent a worsening of these conditions.
If you think global warming will be a sunny picnic, may we remind you that a temperature change of even a few degrees can drastically change the climate throughout the world, with deserts becoming flooded and breadbaskets becoming barren. Have you any idea what this will do to the world's economies? The face of the planet will change profoundly over the next fifty years because of what you have already done. And still, you continue to heap more damage on an already ailing planet.
The extraterrestrials have some technology that can help you neutralize some of the poisons you have dumped into the environment. They have advice to give you about what to stop doing and what to do more of, they have ways of purifying your water and food, and they can show you ways of producing food that do not require dangerous chemicals or gas-consuming vehicles. They will help you develop a clean energy source. However, you will still have to live with what you have created on Earth—if you still can, which is where the debate comes in.
Human beings are very adaptable, but adaptation is not easy. As mentioned earlier, adapting to a foreign environment can be painful, which is essentially what you will have to do in the twenty-first century. The next generation will not have it any easier, since they also will have to adapt. They will not be born adapted to the environment you have created. Many of today's children won't be able to have children, as sterility will be widespread because of the buildup of contaminants in your food and water. The population will be seriously reduced over the next decades for many reasons, and the people remaining will have difficulty reproducing. This puts you in a position like the one the Zetas found themselves in millennia ago, when they destroyed their planet with nuclear explosions. Even without massive nuclear explosions, you have defiled your planet to a critical point, one that will greatly reduce your viability as a species.
Did you realize the situation was this critical? Undoubtedly not, or you would have done something about it. That is always the problem. The Zetas did not realize how critical their situation was either, until it was too late. However, this will not be allowed to happen to Earth. It may be late, but it is not too late. Those here to help Earth will see that Earth and human beings are spared or at least preserved to some degree.
So those of you who have come here to help have a big task. You will not be able to sit by and watch yourselves self-destruct. Many of you have come from places that did just that, which is one reason you are here now. You have a karmic duty and a drive to see that this civilization doesn't do the same. So, races learn from their mistakes and help others as payment for their mistakes and as service to other races. If you are wondering where the helpers were when the Zetas destroyed their planet, the answer is that the helpers were not heeded. So it goes, in a freewill universe. You have the free will even to destroy yourselves. Let's hope you don't exercise that freedom.