Can you imagine a society that lives by the Golden Rule? Such a blessed state is hard to imagine—but try—since that is the state to which you are evolving. That is what you have to look forward to in your future societies, not that everything will be perfect. Utopia doesn't exist—not on the physical plane, anyway, although the planes beyond the physical come closer and closer to perfection. Still, perfection is neither the state of the physical nor the nonphysical universe. Change and evolution is, and perfection is too static a concept to fit this scheme. Perfection implies an end point, and evolution and creation have none.
The Pleiadians are not a perfect society: they have their problems. Their discomfort with conflict and pain is their biggest one. This includes discomfort with their own negative feelings, which they are not beyond having. The Pleiadians go to great lengths to avoid negativity, even to the point of stifling creativity.
For example, if a Pleiadian has plans for inventing a new vehicle, he will have to submit them to a committee for approval. He will have to show that it will benefit society and how he will counteract any harm it might create. However, all this must be based on figures, since the invention cannot be built without the committee's approval. If it turns out different from what was presented to the committee, it will have to be reevaluated. If it doesn't pass the committee's standards, it will be scrapped and the inventor will have lost whatever time and effort he invested in it.
If your society had such a committee, it would have rejected the Wright brothers' work and every other twentieth-century invention because of their potential to damage the environment. As a result, you would not have evolved technologically. This is what has happened in Pleiadian society. They have made minute strides in science and technology compared to other societies at their same level. This doesn't bother most of the Pleiadians. Most agree they prefer a society that puts social welfare above technological progress.
Still, there is another problem with this. In not allowing themselves to be challenged by questionable enterprises, the Pleiadians have eliminated many of the factors that stimulate personal and spiritual growth. They have all but eliminated the negative pole. Although their society may seem advanced spiritually, it is not as advanced as it could be. By avoiding the challenges that come with a free society, they have stunted even their spiritual growth.
The Pleiadians are learning to balance individual freedom with the good of society. Right now, the good of society is emphasized. Many other societies have erred in the opposite direction—yours, for example. Eventually, the Pleiadians will shift more to the other pole. They are striving to do this, but morally such freedom is still repugnant to them. In every society, evolution is born from this struggle between the individual and society. But it happens much more slowly in a society that emphasizes society's welfare over individual freedom.
Maybe you are thinking that it would have been better if there had been no technological development in the twentieth century, given the destruction it has caused the Earth and native peoples. What this point of view does not acknowledge is that you are learning an important lesson by facing the results of your actions. What you are learning now will prevent you from ever making this mistake again in your future lives. You will get through this period, the Earth will be restored, and because of what you have learned, you will build a more humane society with more humane technology.
If you had never made these choices, you would not have had the opportunity to learn this valuable lesson and move beyond this stage in your growth. Preventing you from making these choices would have kept you from evolving beyond them. You would have remained stuck at a certain level of evolution. This is what has happened to the Pleiadians. They recognize this now and are challenged to change. Their choice also led to learning, but it slowed their evolution as well.
Pleiadians look like you, at least those of you who are Caucasian. This should not be surprising, when you consider your origins and Pleiadian history. Pleiadians are Lyrans with early Earth-primate genes, and you are a combination of Lyran and early Earth-primate genes as well. You are more diversified in appearance than Pleiadians because of the mixing of Sirian and other genes into your species as it evolved. This, in addition to adapting to a variety of climates, created your races. If you saw a Pleiadian, you would never guess that he or she was not from Earth. This is why they have been chosen to introduce the extraterrestrial situation to you when the time is right.