
Already quite a bit has been said about the Sirians, since they played such a pivotal role in the human race's early development. They are still involved in your world today. The Sirians are guiding you through your intuition and dreams, through channeling, and through visions. Visions are the most direct way they have been involved with you lately, since they do not materialize or walk among you in physical bodies any longer. There are some reincarnated Sirians among you, but none in materialized bodies.

The Sirians do not have physical bodies, although they can materialize them if they want. As fifth-density beings and beyond, they function beyond matter. This has always been so and one reason they have seemed like gods to you. You saw them materialize and dematerialize before you, something you assumed only a god could do. In addition, many of the forms they took were brilliant, beautiful, and light-filled, making them all the more god-like. Occasionally, they still appear as beautiful light-beings or angels.

Your ancient representations of these light-beings had wings to symbolize their ability to appear, disappear, and move through the air. However, they did not appear to you with wings at first. Only later did they sometimes have wings, in keeping with your image of them. Thus, angels with wings became part of your mythology. But they did not always appear as angels. The form they took depended on who they were appearing to and why.

Although other extraterrestrials also appeared in visions as various characters and as angels, this role fell largely to the Sirians because they were the ones most involved in the human race's development and evolution. The Sirians acted as teachers and guides more than any other group, although others often helped them. Sirians have been particularly involved in your religious rites and religious societies, including all the mystery schools.

In earlier days, religion was at the center of society. From religion came the ethics that helped societies cohere and function. Laws evolved from these ethics, as did customs, rituals, and traditions. The religious leaders that headed society received guidance directly from the Sirians, so shamans and priests served as bridges between the unseen world of the gods (the Sirians) and the physical world of their own kinsmen. Sometimes these religious leaders were even reincarnated Sirians. Societies have always had members who could communicate with—or channel—these realms, and the Sirians made good use of them. This continues today, of course.










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