From time to time, negative Sirians took on the role of priest and hierophant and sought power over people for their own purposes rather than for the good of society. Societies headed by negative Sirians eventually fell because they became infested with corruption, vice, and licentiousness. Societies headed by negative Sirians could not cohere for long because they lacked the principles that bind a society. So, despite some tyranny by the positive Sirians, they did at least provide people with principles on which a society could be built. Without imposing such principles, these early societies would have fallen to their own greed and corruption, just like the negative Sirian societies.
Another feature of the exoteric religions the Sirians established was adherence to tradition. This helped the Sirians maintain their authority and control the rate of change within society. By teaching people to value tradition and their elders, they established a set of fundamental beliefs. Without this, what they were teaching might not have carried over from one generation to the next. Rituals were created to contain these teachings in a form that could be passed down from one generation to the next. Such a vehicle for transmitting knowledge was particularly necessary in preliterate times.
Rituals were also a way of opening people up to the Absolute by altering consciousness. Imbedded in the rituals were ways of altering consciousness and loosening the ego's hold so that some degree of transcendence could be experienced. Once people had moved beyond their egos in ritual, convincing them of the value of the universal principles imparted by the priests was easy. In these states, they experienced the beauty and wisdom of the priests' teachings, something that was not so obvious while in their ego-consciousness. So, rituals reinforced the teachings being given to the people by the priests. Unfortunately, the negative Sirians also found a way to use ritual for their ends.
So, the Sirian priests gave the people spiritual truths in a form that would be accepted by them and which would continue to relegate power to themselves. This was for the good of the people. The negative Sirians, other the other hand, had different intentions: They wanted to enslave people. In making the people dependent on the priests, the positive Sirians had left them open to manipulation by the Dark Brotherhood, who from time to time managed to infiltrate the priesthood.
所以,天狼星人的聖職人員以一種會被他們所接受的形式給與了人們靈性的真實,並且這樣就持續的讓人們把力量委託給聖職人員。這麼做是為了人民的利益。而另一方面,負面天狼星人卻有著不同的目的:他們想要奴役人民。通過讓人民依賴聖職人員,正面天狼星人使得人們暴露在來自「黑暗兄弟會(Dark Brotherhood)」-他們時常設法滲透進聖職系統中-的操縱之下。
The Sirian priests were aware of the negative Sirians' manipulations. However, they could only stop them after they had committed blatant offenses. Therefore, many negative Sirians still managed to perpetrate their negativity, fear, and confusion surreptitiously. Negative Sirians worked insidiously within the priest system and even infiltrated some mystery schools. The priests viewed the negative element as a normal part of living in a world of polarities. They accepted the negative Sirians' presence and allowed them to operate except when they openly broke the rules. This is how it is today, too.
As a result of this infiltration, some teachings became corrupted and many were used for ill. What remains today of the teachings are fragments mixed with distortions, although the general teachings can be pieced together. Many of the teachings given to you by the Sirians can be found in your occult literature, along with the distortions. Many of them dealt with the development of psychic abilities.
Both Black and White Magicians develop and use psychic powers, but for different reasons. These special abilities would make them formidable opponents, but White Magicians do not engage in battle with Black Magicians. Black Magicians do, however, try to undermine the good works of White Magicians. In fact, much of their energy goes into this. Black Magicians manage to succeed in many of their endeavors, since White Magicians are sworn to use their powers only to serve, not to stop negativity in the world. Negativity is not necessarily a problem in a universe that evolves through the interplay of polarities. Negativity is a fact of life and serves a purpose. Only when negativity overwhelms the positive does it become a problem.