The world's condition is one of increasing polarization. As the forces for Good have become stronger, so have the forces for Evil. Both positive and negative Star People and Walk-ins have emerged in greater numbers on your planet of late. Perhaps you thought Star People and Walk-ins could only be positive, since they are more evolved than the average human being. This is not true. Star People and Walk-ins from fourth and fifth density service-to-self planets have arrived on your planet as well. They are as interested in taking advantage of you as the others are in helping you. As a result, there are many more Star People and Walk-ins on your planet now than ever before, all coming to help or hinder during this critical period.
The negative Star People and Walk-ins are primarily negative Sirians and negative Orions. They are here for the same purpose, although they have no intention of sharing the spoils if they succeed. So, although they are cooperating now, they would quarrel over anything they managed to obtain. They are the cult leaders and those drawn to the Dark Arts and Satanism. They are the Jim Joneses and Reverend Moons of the world.
負面星際人類和接管者們主要是負面的天狼星人和負面的獵戶座人。他們在這裡是為了同樣的目的,儘管他們並無意要去分享戰利品-如果他們成功的話。因此,儘管他們現在是在合作,但是他們將會為任何他們所獲得的東西而爭吵。他們是邪教的領導者以及那些受黑暗藝術和惡魔崇拜所吸引的人們。他們是世界上的吉姆·瓊斯(Jim Joneses)以及月牧師(Reverend Moons,教義)(譯註:建議看看這兩個人的事蹟,特別是他們的宣教內容,還有月牧師16歲時在山頂遇到光芒四射的耶穌顯靈的事件)。
They are easily spotted: They are charismatic, intelligent, revolutionary, unconventional, and skilled in leadership and communication. They have what it takes to deceive and manipulate naive, idealistic youth and other vulnerable people. Some are in it for the power, while others are trying to undermine the Earth's transformation. Many of the latter are not even conscious of this mission, but [are] acting on unconscious suggestions received through dreams and intuition. However, others are eminently conscious of the plan, usually through psychic means like channeling. So, just as positive extraterrestrials are working through Star People and Walk-ins, so are negative extraterrestrials.
Psychic abilities are therefore very important to both the negative plan and the positive one. Psychic abilities are being used by both the positive and the negative forces to accomplish their goals. This is one reason for increased interest in them. Both positive and negative Star People and Walk-ins are clambering to develop these abilities. Some are conscious of why they want them, but most are not. Information about how to develop psychic abilities is being made available now by both groups.
The negative extraterrestrials' plan is loose. Negative Star People and Walk-ins are to do whatever they can to confuse people, instill fear, undermine positive action, and foster distrust of the government. The methods are not prescribed but up to the individual. Most of these negative Star People and Walk-ins are full of anger, pessimism, and other forms of negativity. Many do not understand the motivation behind their negative actions but feel compelled to act out their negativity. As a result, they attract others who are equally out of harmony. They aren't in harmony with them either, but that doesn't matter. They are more comfortable around other negative people than positive people.
Negative Star People and Walk-ins who are aware of their mission are as dedicated to it as positive Star People and Walk-ins are to theirs. However, they are less powerful than the servers because they are less evolved than them in nearly every way, even though they are still far more intellectually evolved than the average human being. They do have cleverness and intellect on their side, but that is not enough to make them a match for positive forces.
Yes, negative forces also have psychic powers. But without the ability to organize and cooperate, psychic powers are not as useful as you might think. Not being able to cooperate and subordinate themselves is the negatives' worst handicap. This flaw greatly diminishes their power. Even though they have roles, they often do not fulfill them because they are too busy fighting over autonomy and leadership. They all want to lead and resent taking directions, even when it is in their best interest. Because of this, the negatives are not a serious threat. If they were, the positive forces would find a way to render them ineffective. But they will allow some negativity to exist in this free-will world of yours.