The belief that “turning the other cheek” is the way to combat evil has allowed evil to grow. Evil doesn't stop when you turn the other cheek: it strikes you on the turned cheek or finds someone else to bully. You know this, which is why you have built up such great arsenals and why you have needed them, or at least needed the enemy to believe you have them. In saying this, we are not insinuating that the Soviet Union was the Evil Empire. Self-servers as well as servers exist in every country and government. But you in the United States understood the necessity of protecting your sovereignty from those who would take it away from you.
This buildup of arms has been necessary, but it has harmed your natural resources and depleted your economy. The irony is that one nuclear bomb would have been enough. Once you developed nuclear weapons, the buildup of arms became a farce. Now you are concerned about nuclear weapons falling into the hands of people like Saddam Hussein. More nuclear bombs is not the answer. What is the answer, then?
The answer is you must outsmart the self-servers at their own game. You must find ways to anticipate their maneuvers and frustrate them. To do this, you must understand how their minds work.
To self-servers, life is a game of power. They care about nothing more. They don't care who is harmed in their struggle for power because power is always worth it to them. They don't care how long it takes to get power either because they have no other motivation for living. They are ruthless and relentless. They are like bulldozers, bulldozing their way through life toward their goal of power.
They don't have moral precepts that define or limit their striving for power. Any morals to which they do give lip service (usually to manipulate others) can always be bent to serve their god: power. When power is everything, then power is one's moral code. They don't see what they do as immoral. They see it as honoring what they believe in: power. Fighting for what they value is as moral to them as fighting for what you value is to you. Power is their entire reason for being, just as love is for others. Self-servers have values just as servers do, but they are opposite ones. Servers think of self-servers as being able to do what they do because they rationalize, but self-servers don't need to rationalize. They have their own rationale for living, and it doesn't include the same moral standards as for servers.
Servers call some self-servers sociopaths, but this term applies more to unevolved self-servers, particularly ones who have been psychologically damaged in previous lives and who are still damaged. Sociopaths are a less clever variety of self-server than the self-servers like Saddam Hussein, to whom we are referring. Evolved self-servers are far more dangerous because their ambitions know no bounds and often include power over entire populations or areas of the globe. Evolved self-servers have evolved on service-to-self planets and have intelligence, talents, and often psychic abilities to use to achieve their ends.