
The positives don't expect anything more from you. They understand how you will see them and how you will feel. They know you better than you know yourselves. They know you like a parent knows a child, and they love you like one. The negatives, on the other hand, see you as a lower life form that is useful, sometimes bothersome, and dispensable. They have treated many of you like animals in a laboratory experiment because you are little more than that to them. The only difference is that you have free will, but they just see that as something to conquer; it challenges them only slightly.

The negatives don't care if you survive as a race. They would prefer you didn't, if it means having Earth. They are open to sharing Earth with you only if they can completely dominate you. That they have succeeded in other worlds belies how vulnerable some races are to manipulation. They expect you to be equally vulnerable, but you are not that naive.

The negatives are intelligent, but their lack of empathy limits their intelligence. They don't know how to interact with you because they can't put themselves in your shoes. Therefore, sometimes they act in ways that appear stupid. As a result, you may underestimate their intelligence. But it is not a lack of intelligence that trips them up, but a lack of empathy.

They have other character flaws, which will cause them to make mistakes with you. They lose track of the whole picture because of their egocentricity, and they have trouble delaying gratification. They also don't know how to work with others or win their loyalty or confidence. Because the negatives are so unskilled at human relations, the positives are not concerned that most people will be fooled by them. Some people will be, but they are likely to be those who also are out for themselves.

The negatives will play intellectual games with you, like giving you bogus information. You will think you have been given something very valuable, but it will be meaningless. This has already happened several times to individuals working for your government. This is one of the negatives' favorite tricks. They will also pretend to be doing things that are important but aren't. They will go through the motions while you watch, thinking you are observing something important, something you assume will help you solve some problem.

The negatives won't just play with your minds; they will play with your hopes and dreams. They know every dream you have. If you dream of being a famous writer, they will promise to give you something to achieve that. If you dream of winning the Nobel Prize, they will promise a breakthrough formula. What makes this so tricky is that positives also will be working with writers, scientists, educators, politicians, and the like. So, it will be up to you to determine what is valuable and what is not from the extraterrestrials you encounter. Many people will be sent on wild goose chases, while others will receive useful information. You only need to be pure of heart to be a vehicle for the positives. Those who are greedy or power-hungry will be the ones targeted by the negatives.

One of the problems with the disparity in intelligence between you and the extraterrestrials is that you will not be able to fully understand why they are doing what they are doing. We have tried to explain what they will be doing in terms you can understand, given your current paradigm. However, this cannot be fully grasped by you at your current level of consciousness. This is not to belittle you but to caution you not to assume that you understand the extraterrestrials or what they are doing. And because you cannot fully comprehend them, you will have to trust them, or rather learn who to trust.

As a result of your contact with extraterrestrials, you will make a leap in your own intelligence. The positives will show you how to access a larger portion of your brains and teach you things that will stretch your mental capacity.

Your intelligence also will be improved because of the influx of Star People and their progeny. The children of Star People will inherit an increased intelligence. Some will even be geniuses by your standards whether or not they are Star People themselves. If Star People can influence others by their energy alone, how much more can they influence their children! Thus, the children of Star People will be blessed by greater insight, intelligence, and other talents than normal children. This will eventually affect the intelligence of your entire population.











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