As we said, the transition to fourth density will not happen overnight. The planet itself is making this transition more quickly than those on it. Its  vibration is activating their shift. Some of the stress your civilization as a  whole is feeling is due to living on a planet whose vibration is heightened. This is creating dissonance within people's bodies and  sometimes resulting in disease. The bodies most affected by this are those that are polluted, stressed, blocked, or of a lower vibration. This makes it all the more important to eat well, meditate, and live healthily.

Seeing to it that your food is high quality and chemical-free is essential during these times. Now, more than ever, you need the help of healthy food and a healthy environment. Since few of you are eating well and living in unpolluted environments, healers are in more demand than ever before. Many, many healers have reincarnated from other planets and dimensions to help you heal yourselves and your planet so that you can make the transition to fourth density more gracefully. If your food and environment were more healthy, this would not be necessary.

Healing will be a major theme over the next decade, not only the healing of your bodies but of your social systems. Social systems are breaking down all over the world, not only in the United States. This will force you to reevaluate what you are doing. The United States will remedy its problems if it can get its democratic system functioning as it was intended to. Democracy has the flexibility to address the current needs and weather the changes ahead.

This decade and beyond will be a time of crisis on Earth. A purging is occurring, which will lead to a better world for all. This better world is a fourth-density world, and the purging is part of the transition to fourth density. All worlds experience some cataclysms during a transition to a new density. How severe these are depends on how rapidly the transition is made. Yours is being made very rapidly.

The crises you are likely to see have all been predicted before by seers like Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce: pole shift, volcanic activity, Earthquakes, floods, droughts, pestilence, disease, and famine. You are already experiencing these, but on a lesser scale than in the future. The pole shift will be the most dramatic of these changes, but just how dramatic remains to be seen. Whether it will be a shift in the poles' location or a direct reversal is uncertain; either is possible. In any event, this alone will change the world's climate, which is already being affected by pollution.

We don't see these crises occurring all at once, but intermittently across the globe. Some areas will be hit harder than others. Where these will be is hard to predict, with some exceptions. The lands surrounding the Pacific rim will be altered by volcanic activity and Earthquakes. The populations of Africa and India will be decimated by famine and disease. The United States will have droughts, as will the Soviet Republics. Beyond this, we cannot make predictions. We caution you about accepting predictions for the times ahead, since the many variables and changing conditions make prediction nearly impossible.

Over the next decade, many people will lose their lives and many of the children being born will not survive. Of those that do, many won't be able to reproduce unless you take drastic measures to clean up your environment now. You don't know what effect your chemicals and  pollution will have on future generations. You won't realize the damage you have caused to people's reproductive systems until the coming generations are older. By then, it will be too late, and you will be struggling to maintain your numbers. You are seeing some signs of this in the increase in low birth weight babies, miscarriages, and couples unable to have children. This trend will continue unless you do something about the toxins in your environment.

The biggest change you will see over the next two decades is a change in population. Twenty-first century Earth will be much less populated. This will mean a renewal of the plant and animal kingdoms, with some lost habitats being regained. However, many plants and animals of the twenty-first century and beyond will be different from those today because of adaptations to a changing environment and mutations resulting from toxins. So, the flora and fauna on fourth-density Earth will not look exactly like the flora and fauna on third-density Earth. This also will be due to the change in vibration. Some of your flora and fauna will not be suited to fourth density, and other forms will take their place.

Fourth-density worlds do not look exactly like third-density worlds, although they seem as solid to those who inhabit them as your world seems to you. Fourth-density worlds have a different matrix and therefore slightly different life forms, but ones you would still recognize as plants and animals. Fourth-density worlds also are brighter and more light-filled, which is the most obvious difference.










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