
“Densities” is a term more and more people are running across, usually in channeled material because it is being used by channeled entities to describe their understanding of reality and the changing reality of Earth.

A density is similar to what you understand as a dimension or a plane. There are many densities, planes, or dimensions coexisting simultaneously in space. They operate independently and are generally invisible to each other because each is of a different vibration, or atomic density. With training and energy, lower dimensions can become visible to higher dimensions. However, higher dimensions are invisible to lower dimensions except under circumstances that are considered paranormal.

Usually seven densities are named, although densities do not stop at seven. The third to seventh densities relate to humanoid evolution, with third density being the first stage. First and second density are reserved for minerals, plants, and animals. They are on a track of evolution unrelated to the human track.

Human beings will soon enter fourth density, at least those who are ready. The Earth is moving into fourth density, and will no longer support third-density life. So, anyone wanting to return to Earth in other incarnations will have to be fourth density.

In fourth density, you will still experience yourselves and Earth as physical, but you will no longer be visible to third-density beings, except when you choose. To third density, you would appear to have bodies of Light, but you could also step down your energy and appear solid to them. Fourth-density beings can materialize and dematerialize in and out of third density. But they are still considered physical.

All higher densities appear to lower densities as Light-beings, with densities beyond the fourth able to appear in whatever form they choose. Fourth-density beings are confined to their physical forms, as third-density beings are.

Like third density, fourth density operates through polarities, but negativity is much less. Physical needs are fewer and much easier to supply. In fourth density, growth still occurs from challenges, but the challenges are different from third density.

Fifth density coincides with the higher astral plane, or the plane where spirit guides reside. Fifth-density beings act as guides to third and fourth-density beings, just as sixth-density beings act as guides to them. Fourth-density beings also can act as guides to third-density beings, but only under supervision.
(相比第四密度)第五密度符合更高的星光層(astral plane),或更符合靈性嚮導們所屬的層面。第五密度的存有擔當著第三和第四密度存有的導師,正如同第六密度存有擔當著第五密度存有的導師一樣。第四密度的存有同樣可以擔當(比他們低一點的)第三密度存有的導師,但僅僅是在(更高密度存有們的)監督下。

With each rise in density is a rise in understanding, wisdom, and love. And each density has its particular lessons and challenges as well as tasks. The shift from third to fourth density is one of the more miraculous shifts, since suffering no longer exists beyond third density.




Gina Lake is an awakened teacher who is devoted to helping others wake up through counseling, intensives, and her books. She has a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology and over twenty years experience supporting people in their spiritual growth as an astrologer and a channel, with a focus on helping people find and fulfill their life purpose. She is the author of several books, including Radical Happiness, Living in the Now, Return to Essence, What About Now? Anatomy of Desire, Choosing Love, Embracing the Now, and Getting Free. Her website offers information about her books and consultations and free e-books, book excerpts and chapters, a monthly newsletter, a blog, and audio and video recordings:
Gina Lake是一位覺醒的導師,她通過-心理諮詢,強化意識(intensives英英解釋是:不含任何意圖進行強化的人或工具)和她的書籍-來幫助喚醒人們(的靈性)。她已獲得諮詢心理學的碩士學位,並有著二十年以上-作為一個星象家和通靈人來支持人們的靈性成長-的經驗,她專注於幫助人們尋找並完成他們的人生目標。她寫過許多書,包括《徹底的快樂(radical happiness)》、《活在當下(living in the now)》、《回歸本質(return to essence)》、《現在呢?(what about now?)》、《慾望的解剖學(anatomy of desire)》、《選擇愛(choosing love)》、《擁抱當下(embracing the now)》和《獲得自由(getting free)》(譯註:書名都是按照字面翻譯的,鑑於作者的絕大多數書都沒能很好的出版,網上可能頂多能找到英文版,如果大家有興趣搜索,請參考英文名)。她的網站提供了關於她的書的訊息,人們可以獲得諮詢並免費下載電子書,(網站還包括)書本章節和摘錄,並按月更新訊息和部落格,以及一些音頻視頻資料。網址










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