Beloved Ones,

As the world shifts to a higher dimension, it is for the most part, not recognized by the world at large, only by those who are attuned to the energy influxes. It is the lighted ones such as you who hold and anchor the light on Earth. Many of you do not recognize the important role that you play in the unfolding events and we want you to know that everyone of you is needed at this time. It is important to hold your light and stay in a space of peace and calm, joy and happiness. By doing this you counteract the attempts to keep the populace living in fear and worry and that balancing effect is needed now.


Many of you are gearing up as your creativity flows through you and you are inspired with many wonderful ideas and creative projects. Some of you feel overwhelmed with the abundance of ideas that are coming into your consciousness and feel that you do not know which one to pursue. Know that if you record the information that comes to you, you will be able to know instinctively which is ready to manifest and which can be looked at later. Many times, the downloads of information coming into the Earth』s atmosphere are received by many different individuals and so there will be a theme that emerges that is shared with many others. Each individual is unique and so what comes through each one will never be quite the same.

It is also a time to go within in deep contemplation, to listen to the guidance of your heart and decide the things that must go in your life and that which you are truly grateful for and which nourish and sustain you. Let go of all that no longer has meaning for you so that you simplify your daily life and make room for the new energy to come flowing in. Challenge yourself to live with less and give away what you no longer use to someone else who might need it. There is a beautiful world of freedom and fresh breath that exists once this is accomplished. You'll reap the rewards of pleasing living areas, reduced stress, and a more organized and productive existence. Take a look at each area of your life and write down all of your commitments. Then look at each one and decide whether it really brings you joy and value, and if it is worth the amount of time that you invest in it. Learn how to say no and decline offers. If you eliminate the things that don』t bring you joy or value, you'll have more time for the things that you love.

Identify what is most important in your life, and what』s most important for you to focus on right now. Explore different areas of your life that you don』t think about much. This exploration might allow you to find some things on your mind that you didn』t realize were there, some things that can be eliminated or pursued. Just focus on one task at a time. Clear away everything else, until you』re done with that task. Then focus on the next task. Take life and its demands at your own pace. If you do less, you』ll have less on your mind. Writing down your tasks and ideas keeps your head from being filled with everything you need to do and remember. You are in control of your circumstances. You are in control of you.  Learn what things are in and out of your control. If something is out of your control-accept this fact so you can focus on the things you can control—the things that you can change.

No two things can occupy the same space in your mind at the same time. Decide consciously and with intention. What will you choose to take, and what will you choose to leave behind? You can have one thought at any given moment, but not two or ten. Every day you will get closer to the freedom and peace that only an uncluttered mind can give you. Make room only for positivity, for joy, for serenity, for optimism and for happiness. It is a process, it is an adjustment, it takes time but it works. The reward is a quiet peaceful mind and a happier, more serene existence filled with positive thoughts and a heart that is filled with peace, joy and love.



Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒



感謝一切~歡迎轉載~ NAMASTE

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