We call upon all lightworkers in the world to hold the vision high of the new Earth made manifest. We ask that you discipline yourselves to not be distracted or sidetracked from your purpose by the created illusions that beset the world during these times. You all have ability to discern what is real and true and to create what you desire to experience and this is where your attention should be focused. Peace is a reality if you can bring this into your own experience. From this, it flows outward into the world around you and has an exponential effect on everyone and everything. The new epoch is being created by your adherence to the highest ideals that you can envision and hold as your focus. The key here is to identify with your divine origins on a daily basis and act as the daughter/son of the Divine.

One does not have to be a magician, one has only to believe in their own goodness and integrity and uphold it. Leave others to choose their own way. It is by personal example that the wayshowers inspire and uplift their brethren. It becomes necessary to uphold the higher virtues and qualities of conduct now. Others around you will see, sense or feel these emanate from within you, they then have the human templates and examples of the divine human that they can become inspired by and emulate in their own lives. It is time to let your light shine, to let your goodness and purity of heart shine, to let your deep love of the Creator shine. Decree daily the light that you are and do not falter in this practice. It is necessary to add this field of protection around you as a shield or sphere of light.

Spend as much time as you can on activities of light in the form of mantras, prayers, invocations and decrees in order to constantly increase and maintain your higher vibration. Spend time in nature to connect and ground yourselves into the Earth and let the cosmic energy flow through you in balance and harmony. Keep the activities of your life as simple and uncomplicated as possible for this helps you to remember your reason for being here on Earth during these times. Daily communion with the Divine is essential. By this we mean that time spent in solitude and silence is very important to help with the integration of the higher energies and downloads that are now occurring. Do everything that you know that helps keep you in equilibrium and stability, so that you do not lose your way.


六字大明咒/六字真言 Om Mani Padme Hum (梵音)

Focus on creating the feeling and state of joy, for this state is a higher vibration that one can easily create by focused intention. There are many experiences that each of you had in the past that can be tapped into in order to bring this state to you in your moment of now. Make a list each morning of all that you are grateful for and again before your bedtime. Do this daily, as this practice brings more than you can conceive to you. If you are experiencing challenges and difficulties, you must train yourselves to retain these practices of giving gratitude until they become second nature to you. As energy alchemists, you turn all that comes into your experience into a higher and lighter energy. You already do this each day and it only needs your conscious awareness of it in order to give it more power.

Again we remind you of the need for adequate hydration by drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily. The increased energy downloads may make you feel tired and depressed. You can assist your endocrine system with supplements such as the herb Maca, which is a natural way to regulate and support endocrine health, for it regulates metabolism, energy levels, and helps the glands to produce the vital hormones that create a sense of health and well-being. Eliminating processed foods and replacing with raw and unprocessed foods as much as possible can help, as well as learning relaxation and deep breathing techniques. Exercise for at least half an hour each day, even if you must break that time up into 10 minutes, three times per day. Moving your body parts are essential to keep the energy downloads moving through you. One hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours of sleep after midnight and your adrenal glands are rejuvenated by this practice. These are some of the ways to give practical assistance to your physical body during these times.
再次,我們提醒你們充分水合作用的需要-每天至少飲用8杯白開水(一般馬克杯約240 x 8=1920cc)。不斷增加的能量下載會讓你感到疲倦和壓力。你能夠用補充品來支援你的內分泌系統,諸如草本Maca,它是一種自然的手法調整並支持內分泌的健康,因為它管理新陳代謝,能量層次,並且幫助腺體產生至關重要的激素建立一種健康和幸福的感受。請排除食用加工後的食物,盡可能以未加工、未處理過的新鮮食材來替代,還有學習放鬆和深呼吸技巧的練習。每天至少花半個小時運動,即便你只能抽出10分鐘的時間,也務必每天進行三次。運動你的身體部分是必須的,它能夠持續保持能量的下載游離於你的身體。午夜之前的1小時睡眠等效於午夜之後的2小時睡眠,通過這種訓練你的腎上腺也會恢復活力。這些都是一些能夠給予你肉身支持,在這段時間裡良好運行的訓練方法。



Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒



感謝一切~歡迎轉載~ NAMASTE

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