Detoxification of mind,body,and spirit
This is an ideal time for a cleansing and detoxification of your physical body as well as your mental and emotional bodies and become more aware of the thoughts and feelings you hold and carry as your truth. Treat yourself with the care and put in the time it takes as you are worth it. Nourish yourself and your soul with objects and activities that mirror this new you that has been emerging. Spend some time near water,such as a lake or a stream,or the ocean as this will help to clear you,as well as get your focus and recharge your batteries with new ideas and outlook as you are about to enter a new phase in your life.
Learning to monitor your thoughts and feelings and becoming aware of the affirmations you are using about yourself,your life and your projects to see if you are not sabotaging your efforts to create a better life. Keep your thoughts,feelings and actions focused on supporting you and your growth. As you become more conscious of yourself and your life,you may find any areas that were not previously working now have the room to grow. Often times it is the thoughts that you are keeping about yourself and your goals that are blocking their manifestation.
Affirmation: "By monitor my self-talk,thoughts and feelings and using the process of transformation to assist me,my life is changing and I am seeing the desired results manifesting for me."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan