Just For You
You may be waiting…waiting for a grand sign,the fireworks,an audible and booming voice from beyond or an epiphany that rocks your reality before moving forward. Those thing are employed only when you have missed or have refused to see the small and beautiful signs all around you each and every day.If you take just a moment and shift your awareness you will begin to recognize them for what they truly are; communications of Unconditional Love and support from The Universe specifically designed and made just for you.
~ Creator
你可能在等待...等一個大徵兆、煙火、天外飛來的轟隆聲,或在你前進之前,上主現身並撼動你的實相。 那些東西只有在你錯過或拒絕去看每天身旁小而美的徵兆時才會出現。 如果你花一點時間,轉移你的覺察,你會開始認出其真實面貌;那是宇宙特別為你設計製造的無條件的愛的交流與支持。
~ 造物主
transcribed by Jennifer Farley