
Have you ever entered an empty room,or office,and felt 「uncomfortable」? Feeling perhaps quite happy to get out of that room,or office,as soon as possible? Maybe you have found somewhere that feels 「bad」 at one time yet feels 「okay」 at another time? This could be where we work,live,or somewhere we are visiting or passing through.

What about people? Do you know anyone who seems to have a 「negative」 aura? When-ever you are near them you feel more depressed,angry or fearful,than you normally do? How about the opposite? Do you know anyone who seems to make you feel better just by being around you,not even needing to say anything to you to improve things?

Apart from feeling worse around certain people and/or in certain places,do you find that you sometimes lose a lot of energy (psychic draining) in these circumstances? Do you have a problem with such things as insomnia,poor sleep,nightmares or low energy levels? Perhaps you are constantly lacking in energy? Maybe being diagnosed as having chronic fatigue? Or maybe you always seem to be getting colds,illnesses or other problems?

If the answer is 「yes」 then chances are you may be under intentional,or unintentional,negative psychic influence.What some people call being under psychic attack.Can anything be done about such situations? Yes,psychic protection is what one can learn to counter such things.Before talking about psychic protection however,we may wonder what it is and how it works.

To better understand this,we need to understand these negative influences.Put simply they are usually categorised into two types.Thought energies (or if they have a shape – thoughtforms) and negative spirit influence.Now,you may instantly think I am talking about dead people.I am not.We are all 「spirits」.Some of us are physically alive and some of us aren't.We do not become a spirit when we physically die.We are already one.

One may also say,「But I cannot see/hear spirits.This is proof they don't exist.」 Well,I cannot see radio or television waves in this room.Does that mean they aren't here? I wouldn't think so.Much the same as hearing.I cannot hear a dog whistle.But dogs can! It would be rather foolish for me to conclude such a whistle made no noise simply on the grounds that 「I didn't hear it.」

Negative thought energies are created by someone (dead or alive) thinking negative thoughts,e.g.anger,hatred,fear etc.If the person is thinking these thoughts about us then they are automatically projected in our direction.In addition,as negative spirits are attracted to negative energy these people will often accompany the energies.Particularly if this is done 「formally」,i.e.,a spell.

Fortunately,there is defense against these things.Positive energies will dissolve negative ones,and we can arrange for positive spirits to help protect us against negative ones.There is nothing particularly profound about it.To cancel out a fire,water is a good response.The principle of using the opposite response to a spell is along the same lines.

The negative thought content of a spell,or any other form of psychic attack,can be 「cancelled out」 by directing a positive thoughtform of the same,or greater,strength at it.When they meet,the negative thoughtform will dissolve.This can be achieved by such things as prayer,visualisation,etc.A common example of the latter is to imagine you are surrounded by a 「protective」 bubble of light.One can also imagine oneself being a hot ball of light.Like the sun.Radiating a hot,bright,light outwards.


White light protection.jpg


The effect of negative entities can be 「can-celled out」 by positive entities of the same,or greater,strength.If the positive spirits predominate then many of the negative entities can be 「cleared」 (permanently) to spirit worlds.

Getting help from positive spirits is arranged by requesting it.Prayer in other words.It should be remembered we can do more than arrange 「protection」 this way.A good wording for such a prayer,and a list of recommended approaches is at

Here is an example:

I ask the Divine Light Forces (Forces of God) for…

(1) Protection against all that is not of the light (alive and dead).
(1) 防護抵消一切不是光的(無論是活的或者死的)

(2) Healing on all levels
(2) 治癒所有的層面

(3) Guidance with my life.Especially in the area of____________e.g.knowing what I should be doing spiritually,help with becoming a channel for love,light,healing,guidance and inspiration.Preparing for meetings and/or seminars etc.
(3) 指引我的生活。特別是在____________領域,比如知曉我該在靈性上做什麼,幫助我成為愛、光、療癒、指引和啟發的管道。準備會見或者研討會等等。

(4) Divine love,light and healing en-ergies to go to____________(people we live/work with) as well as all who are working against our spiritual progression.
(4) 神聖之愛、光和療癒的能量充滿____________(我們生活/工作在一起的人)以及所有與我們靈性發展對抗/阻礙靈性成長的人。





翻譯:Nick Chan






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