Have Confidence
Trust in yourself and your abilities to know,to understand,and to discern.These qualities will not only assist you in the process of Creation,they are the tools of manifestation in a sea of choices.Strengthening your faith or belief in yourself and your abilities helps to increase your intuition,and other psychic abilities,the signs that you receive,expand your awareness,and strengthens your connection to the Divine.
As you expand your growth and understanding of life,the Universe and all that Is,your perspective on the world and how it works shifts and you begin to see the world from the larger aspect of your spirit self and this means that the world becomes more divine as you revel in each experience,just as your soul does by your experiences and your growth.Begin to see the gifts in each experience of your life,the good,the bad,or even the ugly,and honour what part they have played in making you find a better way,have a better day,and strive to create something grander for your world.
Affirmation: "With every breath that I take,my confidence in myself and the Divine as co-creators is renewed and strengthened.I am ready to receive love and abundance in all areas of my life."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan