Today"s message is about taking chances.Setting your intention and then taking that leap of faith and jumping into the unknown,trusting that where you will land is exactly where you are supposed to be to best help you see the manifestations of those intentions in your life.Your Spirit Self,your Higher Self,or your over-soul don"t see things as good or bad,they see things as great and wonderful,as it all truly leads you to where you want to is up to you,the spirit part that is experiencing,to make the call on how that should be.Although it doesn"t always seem so,you truly are in charge and when you begin to all work together to make it happen,it is truly magical to behold.
Set your intent today to follow your dreams,wherever that may take you.Follow your hunches to turn left or to turn right and just experience each moment for the magic that it is.You have what you need within you,all the tools,all the talents,it is just that some need to be re-remembered and that is what this time is all about.Re-remember who you truly are and what it is you came here to experience.
Affirmation: "I remember who I am,my true self,my spirit self,my creator self and all are working together for the good of the One."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan