Shifting Universes
There is great change happening for many of the lightworkers who have been consciously following their path of awakening and sharing their legacy of Light and one of the things that is changing the most is the communities you are creating.Some of you will be guided to new or changing jobs,careers,relationships,and or locations,even distant shores that are more a match to your new vibration and the more you trust and follow the path that is new and unexpected,the better things become.This is your time to trust and boldly go where you have not been before and know that the chaos that might be present right now is what Universes look like when they are shifting dimensions.
Take a deep breath and take that leap of faith,you are indeed ready or else this time would not be here as an option for you now.Just be sure that you are following your heart and not your head or the head of others in order to make them happy and keep them in your lives.It is time to honour yourself and your choices and honour your purpose.Remember that you are in service to the light and your personal growth and spiritual path are helping the greater of humanity and the greater soul evolve and you affect the world around just by what you do each day trying to find a better way and spread your light.
Affirmation: "I am a lightworker,here to share my light and my love with the world and I fully activate my mission and my contracts to live more fully in my purpose and my light."
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn
翻譯:Nick Chan